TRONTHUNDER, on the one hand, positions itself as a new generation community. On the other hand, as a global platform based on a smart formula in the Tron cryptocurrency blockchain.
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[wpforms id="1014"]In addition, the authors have developed a secret algorithm that distributes affiliate commissions among community members subject to certain conditions. Sounds very modern, let's check how reliable it is.
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TRONTHUNDER General information
Broker's main website:
Verification by Trustorg:

Site analysis
TRONTHUNDER has an extremely banal and simple site, which was apparently laid out in a couple of hours. It is not surprising that a specialized service rated it at 43 rubles. Looks frankly cheap and crooked.

The site consists of the following sections:
- how it works;
- about the project;
- token;
- road map;
- team;
- frequently asked Questions;
- ranks;
- contacts.
An Internet resource can be translated into any language in the world, but this is just a clumsy Google translator. You won't even find pictures from photo stocks here, although it wouldn't hurt to splurge. In addition, the site is very empty and looks more like a landing page: the classic inviting title “Start earning Tron today!”, a registration button, several blocks about the platform and benefits.
If in general, it is even surprising that this site was priced at 43 rubles. Not a single section works correctly, you can’t follow the links, the design, to put it mildly, is uncomplicated.
Expertise of legal information, TRONTHUNDER licenses
There is no legal information at all on the TRONTHUNDER website. When you try to click on the "Privacy Policy" and "Terms and Conditions" section, it goes to the main page, that is, they are empty. Checking the site showed that it was created only in July of this year, and updated in early December.

The founder of either the site or the company is a certain Jean Pierre Rademeyer. A tearful story is written on the portal that he is a deeply religious person who has been looking for a way to help people make money on the Internet without risks for a very long time. The man studied various projects for many years, came up with some kind of his own unique marketing, worked in the IT field and the family business in web design, and much more. Now it is clear why the site turned out like this, apparently, the creator did not think for a long time and decided to do everything himself. The only question that arises is: what does web design and the financial sector have to do with it? Experience in IT is good, of course, but here's what it has to do with investments. In addition, it seems that the name and photo of this creator and ideological inspirer were clearly taken from the Internet.
Of course, on the website of the Central Bank of Russia, this broker does not have any licenses for activities in our country.

From contact information - a modest email address, as well as links to a chat in Telegram and a page on Twitter. In principle, there is no longer any doubt that we are facing an ordinary scam.
Features of the company TRONTHUNDER. Tools and conditions for traders
TRONTHUNDER is a next-generation community and global platform powered by a smart formula on the Tron (TRX) cryptocurrency blockchain. The authors also developed a secret algorithm that distributes affiliate commissions among community members subject to certain conditions. Becoming a member of the project is easy. To do this, you need to go through just a few steps.
- Buy Tron TRX cryptocurrency, and then transfer to a personal wallet.
- Get a referral link.
- Follow the link and choose the desired membership package with a certain value: SILVER: 400TRX, GOLD: 600TRX, SAPPHIRE: 800TRX, EMERALD: 1000TRX, RUBY: 1200TRX.
- Then send the cryptocurrency to an electronic wallet.
- Start earning.
All commissions are paid in TRX directly to the participants' personal TRX wallet, clients do not have to wait for the commission to be paid. It is enough to invite 5 people to immediately recoup the initial cost of participation in the project. After submitting a withdrawal request, 50% will be transferred directly to your personal wallet. Earnings directly depend on the number of invited people: the more you invite, the higher the profit.
Real customer reviews TRONTHUNDER
There are very few real reviews of customers who have encountered TRONTHUNDER fraudulent activities. We assume that this is due to the extremely small number of registered users.

Leave a comment below this article if you have come across the TRONTHUNDER scam. This will help other investors save their funds and not fall for the bait of scammers.
TRONTHUNDER User Fraud Scheme
As stated on the project website, the community reward is entirely dependent on the people who joined before you and after you. You can't just register. In order to do this, you need to receive a referral link from the inviting person (referral), and enter the referral Id during registration. Then you need to purchase some kind of package and send your money to an incomprehensible electronic wallet in order to enter the community, and only after that you supposedly start earning. In order to increase profits, it is also necessary to actively invite people. That is, TRONTHUNDER is an ordinary financial pyramid.
Also interesting is the fact that the scam specializes in earning TRX cryptocurrency. We are not talking about stocks, bonds, securities and other assets. Moreover, the scammers have created their own unknown TTT token, which is apparently not listed anywhere. According to the roadmap published on the site, TTT should be known in January 2022, and a public sale is scheduled only in July of the same year.
On the website, we have already considered such “investment projects”.
TRONTHUNDER are just unprofessional scammers. They didn't even bother to create a properly functioning website. We are not talking about a fictitious currency, the absence of at least some contact or legal information, a license to operate from the Central Bank of Russia.
In fact, it turns out that the trader must buy a token and just wait for the profit, but where will he get it if there is no talk of trading or investing. The history of making money on people that you and other members of the community invite to the platform is extremely dubious. This is because you simply earn on other people, and not on investments. In addition, there is no information about the withdrawal of funds, that is, the probability of paying out the money earned tends to zero.
TRONTHUNDER is an extremely suspicious project that is clearly not worth trusting, much less investing at least some funds.
Fell for the bait of the "black" broker TRONTHUNDER? Then leave your e-mail at the beginning of the article, and we will send a step-by-step action plan that will help you get your money back.