Today we will talk about a broker whose name simply symbolizes the reliability of your investments. This is Rock Capital, offering to earn on the shares of the world's largest companies. In trading, you will be helped by a tremendous leverage and more than 130 instruments. But is the cheese that the broker offers in exchange for your deposit so sweet? Let's take a look at this review.
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rock capital. General information
Broker's main website:
Whois score:

Site analysis
The site of the RockCapital broker is built on the most standard template, which can be downloaded for free on the Internet or created in 10 minutes on your knee, sitting in the subway. The menu has the following sections:
- "trading", by going to which you immediately get into the trading platform;
- "clients";
- "about company".
Nearby is the "Open Account" button. And some menu items are divided into subsections. So, for example, in the "clients" section there is a "service package" sub-item with account overviews, a table of spreads and analytical data, as well as company shares. RockCapital offers a welcome bonus, demo account trading and up to $10 cashback on spread and commission. The latter is paid every day, without establishing a minimum trading turnover. In the personal account, the trader can track all the movements of funds, including the accrual of cashback.
Also, RockCapital clients are given a welcome bonus in the amount of 30% from the deposit. At the same time, it is worth noting that the broker does not set a minimum entry threshold. However, when making a deposit of 250 c.u. you get a lot of goodies. This is a welcome bonus up to 100%, fast withdrawals and many additional trading options.
But back to the main page. Under the menu in the header of the site there is a picture with a call to earn money on the shares of the largest companies and the "Open an account" button. The background is a rather gloomy low-resolution picture.
Under the heading, the broker cites several benefits of working with his company. Below is another similar block: "why choose us." Next is a bitcoin calculator, an overview of the trading platform and an innovative technology for copying successful transactions.
Next comes the standard 3-step instruction and the “open account” button. At the end - a subscription to company news.
The footer contains several sections with documents that are a typical client-user agreement. In the same place, the contact details of the company are indicated, which we will dwell on in more detail in the next section.
Expertise of legal information, RockCapital licenses
Let's start with the address. We checked it in Google maps and found out that there is a commercial building in which offices are rented.
It is noteworthy that in the reviews about the unfortunate landlord, customers write that they were deceived by some office (guess which one from the first time?). This is how it was necessary to get people to start writing angry letters in Google-maps of an innocent landlord?
And one moment. In the search results at this address, we saw a whole string of reviews and reviews of other fraudulent companies.
But the phone number listed on the RockCapital website contains the Moscow code. Why a company headquartered in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines has a phone in Moscow is a mystery.
Naturally, the registration number of the company is fake. Because there is no such entity even in offshore zones.

There is also no need to talk about the presence of a license from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. They don’t know about RockCapital, which means that their Moscow phone number is also fake.

More precisely, there is a number, and even a telegram is attached to it. But RockCapital is not.
And for dessert - the period of work of the RockCapital office, which positions itself as a broker with a 7-year history.
Based on the Whois check (see the very first screenshot of this article), the domain of the RockCapital website was created no earlier than May 2021.
Features of the RockCapital company. Tools and conditions for traders
To start trading on the RockCapital platform, all you need to do is register and make a deposit. The entry threshold can be absolutely anything, but starting from 250 USD, customers receive all sorts of additional benefits.
For its clients, RockCapital has prepared a whole mountain of goodies:
- round-the-clock support of a team of experts;
- fast and convenient withdrawal of funds using a variety of payment systems;
- absolute security of investments, thanks to the use of modern protocols;
- the ability to trade on more than 1000 assets;
- a platform with a clear and well-designed interface;
- publication of daily economic news;
- certified employees;
- favorable trading conditions, a wide range of promotional offers
- minimum commissions;
- the use of a unique copy trading technology that allows you to adopt the successful experience of professional traders.
However, as it has already become clear, all these beautiful words have nothing to do with reality. This is confirmed by the reviews that we managed to collect.
Real testimonials from RockCapital clients
It is noteworthy that, despite their young age, RockCapital scammers have already bought positive reviews. The presence of a large number of laudatory odes is due to the creation of an affiliate program. The broker offers 20% referrals with deposits ranging from $250,000 to $10,000. For a higher investment, RockCapital gives its partners 2000 USD, regardless of the investment amount of their referrals.
However, a lot of positive reviews could not cover the negative comments that we found on the Runet.

If you have become victims of RockCapital scams, leave comments under this article. Perhaps it is your review that will save someone from losing money.
Scheme of cheating RockCapital users
The scheme of deceiving traders is primitive, like that of other pseudo-brokers. RockCapital scammers are looking for their potential victims on job search or dating sites, thematic forums, groups on social networks dedicated to trading in financial markets. Also, scammers use cold calls, taking possession of the bases of telephone numbers. They also have contextual advertising.
After you fall into their clutches, you are offered to trade on a demo account, where, of course, you will quickly get into profit. However, with the start of serious trading on real investments, a "professional" team of advisors will help you instantly transfer funds from your account directly into the pocket of the RockCapital broker.
We found the following signs of fraud on the RockCapital website:
- false information about the legal address, telephone number;
- lack of state registration, licenses from regulators, including the Central Bank of Russia;
- false data about the time of presence on the market;
- advantages that mislead the client;
- primitive site;
- the presence of negative reviews.
The conclusion suggests itself - by giving your money to the RockCapital broker, you can say goodbye to them forever. The office has nothing to do with real trading, as well as with the honest fulfillment of its duties.
If you have become a victim of RockCapital or other black brokers and want to get your hard-earned money back, leave your mail in the form at the beginning of the article. We will send you a step-by-step, illustrated plan of action to take.