RealCapitalFX is a SCAM. Real reviews. Examination

Join the world's largest trading platform. Create an account and win using the easiest way to invest with tools for beginners and active traders offered by RealCapitalFX broker. The company positions itself as an experienced service provider with millions of users around the world. But why so many traders chose this particular office, and, in general, whether these millions of successful people really exist, we have to understand in the course of this review.

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realcapitalFX. General information

Broker's main website:

Whois score:

RealCapitalFX scam reviews
RealCapitalFX Whois check

Site analysis

A site as heavy as a dinosaur that “eats” a huge amount of resources on your device is nothing more than a standard template, which, if not molded into every one-pager, is definitely used to present fake brokerage firms.

Although the RealCapitalFX team offers help in achieving success, it is difficult to call their site successful.

The main page includes the following blocks:

  • a menu that, according to the classics of the genre, is divided into an overview of investment packages, contacts / about the company, a section for registering and logging into an account;
  • a header with a description of the main advantages and a button for the “get started” target action;
  • company presence map;
  • three-step getting started guide;
  • benefits, including multilingual support;
  • presentation of eminent partners;
  • financial table with the value of the main assets (cryptocurrencies);
  • achievement counter;
  • slider with calling slogans;
  • a running line with the value of assets;
  • "Fork" of deposit plans;
  • reviews (of course, positive);
  • awards and diplomas;
  • quotes from famous "achievers";
  • another call to action.

Scrolling through this long page to the end, we did not see any intelligible information about the company. Each block contains a solid “successful success” and calls to register as soon as possible and invest your money in this project.

We found the most adequate information from everything we saw, of course, in the footer. There, the office duplicates the menu, publishes language selection buttons, a privacy policy document, a client-user agreement and a FAQ. RealCapitalFX contact details can also be found there, which we will analyze in detail in the next chapter. Don't switch!

Expertise of legal information, RealCapitalFX licenses

Looking closely at the legal address at which RealCapitalFX is supposedly registered, we see that only the index and the name of the city and state of New York are given there. New York is a big city and naturally it will be impossible to find someone there without exact coordinates. Which was what it was supposed to be.

As for the specified phone number, the check showed that although it belongs to the United States, it is located in Pennsylvania.

RealCapitalFX scam reviews
RealCapitalFX phone number verification

Moreover, we found the same number on the Facebook page of another investment firm.

RealCapitalFX scam reviews

It is not possible to find out who stole such a precious phone number from whom. But the fact that in this way RealCapitalFX undermine their credibility is a fact.

The company did not leave other contact details besides a fake address and phone number. Yes, you can write to them via WhatsApp or email, as well as through the feedback form. But in this way, you will surely “exposure” your personal data and become available for a huge amount of SPAM, which will soon pour on you from under every iron. You can be sure.

In the "about the company" section, which is also "contacts", we see a new portion of laudatory odes and arguments why you need to work with RealCapitalFX.

Among other things, the office claims that it began work in 2016. However, when checking the domain by Whois (the very first screen in the review), we found out that the site appeared in June 2021. This means that a story about many years of experience, a multi-million audience and gigantic turnover is the usual noodles that are hung on the ears of those who are far from financial markets.

Among the huge sheet of the "about the company" section, where there is anything from the success story of the office to quotes from famous rich people, we did not find the main thing - references to the presence of licenses. Further than the slider with tiny pictures of awards and licenses, on which it is impossible to see anything at all, our heroes did not go.

Features of RealCapitalFX. Tools and conditions for traders

For its customers, the company offers a whole basket of "buns":

  • advice from professional consultants;
  • high security with zero risks;
  • round-the-clock multilingual technical support;
  • bonuses for activity;
  • powerful trading terminal;
  • profit in 7 days.

The advantages of the company do not end there, but is it worth going into details, if it is already clear that all this is just rainbow soap bubbles.

Registration on the RealCapitalFX website, according to the broker, will take several minutes. But to get started, you need to invest at least $ 3,000. In the proposed investment plans, the broker guarantees that from this amount you will receive a minimum profit of $ 7,000, which exceeds 50% from the initial investment. For a maximum deposit of 20 thousand c.u. you will receive at least 50 thousand. Of course, all this is nothing more than fairy tales about the money tree, which are told by naive "Pinocchio" who dream of easy money. But the real "efficiency" of working with the RealCapitalFX broker was shown by our analysis.

Real customer reviews of RealCapitalFX

Despite the fact that the RealCapitalFX office claims to have been on the market since 2016, we managed to find only a few mentions of them in Russian-language reviews. This once again proves that everything that is discussed on the website of this broker is a blatant lie.

RealCapitalFX scam reviews
RealCapitalFX Reviews

If you have been the victim of a scam RealCapitalFX - leave comments under this article. Perhaps it is your review that will save someone from losing money.

RealCapitalFX User Fraud Scheme

RealCapitalFX did not invent new schemes to scam users. Everything is as banal as a banana.

  1. Scammers look for their victims on thematic forums, websites, buy out databases of postal addresses / phone numbers and launch SPAM mailings.
  2. Those who fall for their bait end up on a site where they are thoroughly brainwashed with promises of unrealistic earnings and “successful success”.
  3. Having received a horse dose of noodles, investors register an account. After that, according to the contacts left, a “personal manager” contacts them, who, skillfully using psychological tricks, forces them to make the first deposit.

Even the minimum contribution that these guys have is (neither more nor less) 3000 USD. - this is a pretty decent amount for the average resident of the CIS countries. Of course, it would not be a pity to part with them for a while and get 2 times more. But that doesn't happen. Having invested this money on the balance of the office, it will be possible to say goodbye to them.

Perhaps you will also be offered to pay an insurance premium or pay a commission for withdrawing earnings from some “Swiss bank”. But usually the user's account is banned after the first deposit. And you will never see these "good bugs", as well as your blood ones, again.


We found the following signs of fraud on the RealCapitalFX website:

  • lack of licenses from regulators, official registration;
  • fake legal address and phone number;
  • primitive, low-quality resource;
  • lack of a demo account, training (by the way, our website regularly publishes useful materials about making money in the financial markets, for example, right here);
  • the presence of negative reviews.

RealCapitalFX claims that people of any age who have reached the age of majority can work with it. And this means that scammers will not miss the opportunity to rob even old people or very young investors who will forever be disappointed in trading and will not be able to achieve what they could if they got an adequate broker. Therefore, RealCapitalFX receives an unequivocal dislike from us and wishes to quickly go to the trash heap to all other similar offices.

If you are a victim RealCapitalFX, Kiplar, or other black brokers, and want to return your hard-earned money - leave your mail in the form at the beginning of the article. We will send you a step-by-step, illustrated plan of action to take.

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