A wide range of assets for trading in financial markets, the latest trading technologies and reliable protection of your investment capital - all this is offered to us by OrdForward, a company specializing in investing and trading in financial markets. Today we will check the basic legal information that this organization provides and issue a verdict on whether it is worth your attention.
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ordforward. General information
Broker's main website:
Whois score:
Site analysis
The general view of the OrdForward website, although visually different from the wretched and frankly dumb resource of the heroes of our last review, has not gone far from it in terms of content. All the same promises of inevitable success, endless protrusion of advantages that have already set the teeth on edge, stock pictures, non-unique text content. All this was quite rightly assessed by an independent service.
The main page of the site has the following structure:
- menu (market overview, trading conditions, about the company + accreditations and licenses, contacts, login/registration, language change);
- a header with a slider, where the USP and the target action button “start trading” are placed;
- a block with arguments why you should choose OrdForward;
- another block with benefits;
- Getting Started Guide;
- latest economic news;
- "Fork" of types of deposit packages.
The footer contains a message that the company is registered in New South Wales (Australia) and is regulated by three commissions - Cyprus, Belize and Mauritius.
To be honest, we already miss such simple scam brokers, without a huge pile of pages with the same content. Frankly, it was not so easy to figure out the last heroes of our reviews. Let's see how long it will take us to expose today's comrades.
Expertise of legal information, OrdForward licenses
We note right away that the address listed on the OrdForward website in New South Wales is a tile laying contractor and several other commercial companies, but our friends are not among them.
OrdForward is not listed in the database of the Australian registration authority either.
These guys did not bother to publish other contact information, a coma of a call request form, a fake address and an e-mail box. Which once again suggests that the office is trying to keep a low profile.
The same story with regulator licenses. No one wanted to issue permission to deceive people to anonymous crooks.
They also do not have a license from the Central Bank of Russia, which makes it possible to work with traders and investors from the Russian Federation and the CIS countries.
The broker cites many more reputable regulators in its "Licenses and Accreditations" section. But the creators of the site did not even bother to write fake document numbers.
And for dessert, let's check the age of the domain on which the magic project of our scam brokers lies (see the very first screen of the article).
Despite the fact that the domain was purchased in 2015, in 2019 there was a project with the same name, but a completely different topic.
Our friends just bought a domain with experience and didn't even bother to come up with a different name.
The actual date of the appearance of this office on the market is September 2021. Therefore, this kitchen does not have 4 years of experience, an audience of thousands of customers and millions of turnovers.
Peculiarities of work of the OrdForward company. Tools and conditions for traders
For its clients, the office offers the following "buns":
- a wide range of assets and instruments;
- simplified registration;
- multifunctional trading platforms;
- favorable conditions for the execution of orders;
- expert multilingual support of a personal manager;
- the lowest spreads on the market, according to 35,000 OrdForward traders;
- unlimited trading strategies;
- ultra-fast order processing speed, no slippage;
- innovative IT-developments for trade;
- work with a legitimate organization with more than 4 years of experience in trading;
- eminent liquidity providers;
- licenses from reputable regulators;
- positive feedback from tens of thousands of traders;
- professional team.
Only three steps separate you from this whole holiday. This is registration, determining the type of account, making a deposit.
There are three types of accounts to choose from. The minimum entry threshold is $1,000. The average package costs 25 thousand USD. A premium set of services costs from 50 thousand USD.
Of course, it is worth paying as much as possible. After all, the volume of services provided depends on the size of the deposited amount (for example, the amount of leverage, the availability of insurance and a personal manager).
But no matter how much you give to these insatiable wolves, you will not get any profit there. This is confirmed by our analysis of official information and customer reviews, which can be read below.
Real customer reviews OrdForward
Although OrdForward is a relatively new company, they have already managed to acquire "fans" on the network, who have left worthy comments about them.
If you have become victims of the OrdForward scam, leave comments below this article. Perhaps it is your review that will save someone from losing money.
OrdForward User Deception Scheme
What do OrdForward crooks really offer their clients for their money? Under the guise of an honest, reliable, long-term company, the office promises people who are looking for easy money a fabulous profit and many additional goodies.
To search for their victims, scammers use open public social networks, forums for traders, sites with vacancies or ads. SPAM is also used to email addresses and instant messengers. Contact bases are bought from various unscrupulous organizations.
If the victim is interested in a fictitious success story and a company offer, they slip a link to the site and offer to register. Then, under the "sensitive" accompaniment of a personal manager, but in fact an experienced swindler, the victim makes his first, often minimally possible, deposit.
To finally lull the client's vigilance, he is shown a powerful growth of money in his account, and sometimes they are allowed to withdraw a small percentage. After the "investment period" expires, when the client wants to withdraw what he has earned, he may be asked to "verify his bank card" and steal not only confidential data, but also the balance, as well as subsequent receipts.
Also, the victim may be offered to pay a commission or insurance, in an amount that almost reaches the amount earned. Naturally, not everyone will be able to pay such money. But even if he can, he will still remain with his nose.
In some cases, the client's account is stupidly blocked for "violating the rules of the system" immediately after replenishing the account or after trying to withdraw money back.
One way or another, giving away your funds and confidential information to an unverified person, you can say goodbye to them forever.
On the OrdForward website, we encountered the following signs of fraud:
- incorrect contact information;
- fake registration, lack of licenses to conduct activities in the financial sector;
- non-unique, non-informative site with low cost;
- false data about the time the company has been on the market;
- other people's photos;
- publishing misleading information.
Forewarned is forearmed. And we do not just warn you, but give clear arguments why you should not give your hard-earned money to one-day offices. There can be no easy money and “loot” buttons in trading. Real trading is clear calculations and a cool head. Therefore, do not lose your common sense and do not rely on empty promises.
If you have been scammed by OrdForward or other black brokers and want to get your lost investments back, leave your email address in the form at the beginning of the article. We will send you a step-by-step, illustrated plan of action to take.