Gainhash-ltd is a SCAM. Real reviews. Examination

The era of investing in cryptocurrencies is long overdue. But there are very few really reliable providers of investment services in the financial market. Today we will consider the English office Gainhash-ltd, which offers to invest in their automated earning system in the cryptocurrency market and get profit without doing anything. Of course, experienced investors hardly believe in such fairy tales. But in order not to accidentally miss your Klondike, let's check what this tempting offer is really worth.

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Gainhash Ltd. General information

Broker's main website:

Whois score:

Gainhash-ltd reviews scam
Gainhash-ltd reviews scam

Site analysis

One of the most crooked and non-adaptive sites that we have ever come across is the resource of the heroes of our review. The dumbest layout, the template structure and the lack of meaningful text content, stock images and snail-like page loading - all this causes an extremely uncomfortable feeling, from which you want to quickly escape by sending this resource under all the filters in the world.

The independent site evaluation service is in solidarity with us.

Gainhash-ltd reviews scam
Gainhash-ltd website valuation

The structure of this squalor is divided into the following blocks:

  • menu (about the company, about the team, questions and answers, contacts, registration/login button);
  • a header with a spinning bitcoin icon, and a USP that says: “Gainhash-ltd is an investment company with help” (to find out with what help we lacked the screen size or knowledge of the google translator that these guys use);
  • a ticker with changes in asset prices;
  • brief information about the company with a button "find out the details", to which we will return;
  • information about the registration of the office, as well as another legend about the world leader and successful success;
  • achievement counter;
  • "fork" of investment plans;
  • information about what bitcoin is (carefully copied from Wikipedia so that you do not accidentally leave such a valuable resource in search of the necessary information);
  • loud statement that you can invest with Gainhash-ltd under 0% risks and 100% profits;
  • presentation of the affiliate program;
  • some more water on worldwide business relations and development;
  • feedback on cooperation (of course, positive);
  • financial tables with price changes in financial markets and payments / deposits in real time (which, by the way, are absent);
  • economic news;
  • another running line with price tags.

As you can see, the developers have tried to create the effect of a reliable company for investment. But behind the endless laudatory odes to ourselves there is not a single gram of meaning and content. We found the only official information about the office in the "basement". There is a subscription form for their news, quick links to the most popular sections, contact information. We will dwell on the last point in more detail in the next chapter.

Expertise of legal information, licenses Gainhash-ltd

Gainhash-ltd claims to be a legal company registered in the UK. They provide their legal address, Watsapp number and e-mail.

Having punched the address in Google-maps, we found out that The Orchard, Mithian, St. Agnes, Cornwall, England, TR50QF is a hotel.

Gainhash-ltd reviews scam
Gainhash-ltd google maps data

We did not find other adequate contacts on the site. But they have as many as two support chats on the right and on the left side of your blue screens.

The main page also contains a certificate of registration of Gainhash-ltd in the United Kingdom. Since the registering organization keeps its databases in the public domain, the authenticity of the document is easy to verify.

Based on the results of the check, we found out that there really is an organization with a similar name at the specified registration number. That's just, taking into account the type of activity "Accounting and audit", as well as completely different data about the management, our friends have nothing to do with this certificate.

Gainhash-ltd reviews scam
Gainhash-ltd registration data
Gainhash-ltd reviews scam
Gainhash-ltd registration data

Naturally, an anonymous scammer cannot have any licenses from regulators, both foreign and domestic.

Gainhash-ltd reviews scam
Gainhash-ltd registry of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

The "Our Team" section publishes photos and names of Gainhash-ltd employees and experts. But, after conducting our favorite photo search experiment, we find out that the “executive director” of this scam actually has a completely different name.

Gainhash-ltd reviews scam Gainhash-ltd reviews scam

Not without reason, the social network buttons placed under the photos of “Gainhash-ltd team members” lead to the void.

And for dessert - the period of the company's existence on the market. According to the independent Whois service (first screen), the date of registration of the Gainhash-ltd domain is September, 2021. This does not fit in with the information about millions of turnovers and a huge number of clients published by the office.


Features of the work of Gainhash-ltd. Tools and conditions for traders

At the choice of investors, Gainhash-ltd offers three investment packages with daily interest payments.

Gainhash-ltd reviews scam

The interest rate increases with the deposit amount. The minimum investment on the "starter plan" starts at $100. For this deposit, you get 2% daily deductions for a week. The maximum profit - 5% you are promised to pay for investments from 20 thousand USD. All plans provide a return on investment at the end of the investment period.

By investing with Gainhash-ltd, you get the following benefits:

  • expert management of your investments;
  • complete security of funds, risk diversification;
  • high, stable income;
  • cooperation with a licensed legal entity;
  • cyber protection of personal data;
  • live customer support without breaks and weekends.

The only pity is that everything that is written on the page of the office is complete nonsense and lies. Any schoolboy can calculate that by paying such interest for free, the company will go bankrupt very quickly.

The office also offers to participate in an affiliate program. Referrals can earn 10% from the deposit amount of each attracted user from the first level, as well as 6% and 2% from the second and third levels, respectively.

Gainhash-ltd reviews scam

This is how these organizations secure accolades and reviews for themselves, and also lure inexperienced investors into their shit-projects, who are ripped off like sticky.

Real customer reviews Gainhash-ltd

Despite the fact that Gainhash-ltd positions itself as an investment company with many years of experience and millions in turnover, we did not find a single review of its activities in RuNet. Nevertheless, on the website of the office you can read laudatory odes, which, apparently, were written to order by one single person.

Gainhash-ltd reviews scam

If you have become victims of Gainhash-ltd scams, leave comments under this article. Perhaps it is your review that will save someone from losing money.

Gainhash-ltd User Fraud Scheme

Without real feedback, it is difficult to outline the exact scheme for divorce of Gainhash-ltd customers. But taking into account the results of checking the official information that the office provides on its website, the algorithm for its “processing” of clients will not differ much from other similar “projects”. It can be done in three steps.

  1. Search for potential victims on resources and in groups of social networks on related topics (earnings on the Internet, investments, trading).
  2. "Processing" a potential victim with stories about high incomes and small efforts, creating the effect of easy money. Promotion for investing real money.
  3. Blocking the client's account after the expiration of the investment period, draining the deposit, ignoring technical support.

One way or another, you definitely won’t see fairy tales with a happy ending there. The outcome of the situation, regardless of the divorce scheme used, is always the same in cooperation with scammers.


On the Gainhash-ltd website, we found the following signs of fraudulent organizations:

  • lack of adequate contact information;
  • stolen registration certificate, fake photos of employees;
  • lack of licenses from regulators, including the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;
  • lack of mentions in the network;
  • low cost/quality of the resource;
  • profit information that misleads users;
  • short period of existence in the market, false information about the achievement of the company.

All this is more than enough to get past the scam called Gainhash-ltd. There are no fabulous percentages out of nowhere, no zero risks and a team of professionals. All these scammers can offer is the pain of disappointment, loss of time and money.

If you have become a victim of Gainhash-ltd or other black brokers and want to get your hard-earned money back, leave your mail in the form at the beginning of the article. We will send you a step-by-step, illustrated plan of action to take.

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