HedgeFunds is a SCAM. Real reviews. Examination

Get ideas for investing from the brightest minds of the financial market offers us the company HedgeFunds. For a "modest" fee, the office provides access to the cases of the best investors in the world. And if you want to succeed in the financial market, you can simply repeat the best practices and get the same profit. Let's check the legal information and other important indicators of the reliability of these guys and in the end we will conclude what you will actually get for your money.

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hedge funds. General information

Broker's main website:


Whois score:

HedgeFunds reviews scam
Domain Age

Site analysis

The HedgeFunds website is more like an Excel window than a full-fledged resource. Dull design, lack of visuals and specifics, loud promises and an unusual legend - a typical set of any cheater that you read about in the reviews on binarybets.ru.

An independent site evaluation service evaluated the efforts of developers very objectively.

HedgeFunds reviews scam
Website cost estimation

On the main page of the HedgeFunds website, we see the following blocks:

  • menu (FAQ, blog with useful articles, review of analytical tools);
  • a header with a table of the best cases on investment projects;
  • benefits and a call to access the full list of ideas from successful investors;
  • overview of ideas and assets;
  • presentation of professional investors, whose cases are offered on the site;
  • presentation of products offered by HedgeFunds;
  • customer reviews;
  • financial table of hedge funds;
  • "A fork of accounts.

And only at the very end, in barely noticeable tiny blue letters on a blue background, is an interesting phrase written, which we will dwell on below.

Expertise of legal information, HedgeFunds licenses

As you already know from other reviews on the binarybets.ru website, the indicators of the reliability of a company providing intermediary or advisory services in the financial market are:

  • full legal address, registration;
  • availability of licenses from regulators, including the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (to be able to work with Russian-speaking clients in the legal field);
  • positive feedback from real customers;
  • intelligible, high-quality official website;
  • work experience (time of existence in the market) from a year.

We did not find a single mention of the place of registration, licenses on the HedgeFunds website. In a word, not a single hint of official information.

At the same time, the office even claims that no license is needed for its activities. Because they do not take money into management, do not give advice and do not train.

In addition, this project is unlikely to be of interest to adequate investors. The age of the office, according to the results of the check, is less than six months (see the very first screen in the article), which is prohibitively small for trust. However, our friends do not hide their age and, on the contrary, consider it a virtue that allows them to put low price tags on the information provided.

And now for the footer phrase we mentioned in the previous chapter. In tiny letters, which look like simple stripes without magnification of the page, HedgeFunds indicates that all the information provided on the site is for informational purposes only, and your results will vary, depending on many factors. Below we have shown a screen of this message in a large increase.

It turns out that by giving your hard-earned money to this company, you are not buying successful cases that you can repeat and make a profit, but a “pig in a poke” that can shoot with a 50/50 probability. This phrase, so skillfully hidden in the footer, completely removes the responsibility for your money from the service provider and puts it on your shoulders. Using all these recommendations, you do not act at your own risk. At the same time, it has not been proven at all that the above tables, TOP-20 stocks and articles were not written from the bulldozer and are really the fruit of someone's painstaking work.

Features of the work of the company HedgeFunds. Tools and conditions for traders

The HedgeFunds company offers ideas for buying certain stocks that are currently going up. Using these tables, investors get the following benefits:

  • minimal risks - you just follow the steps of the experts in the chosen niche;
  • saving time - you do not need to analyze assets, because professionals have already done it, and you need to spend only 20 minutes a week on trading;
  • specific, organized information that is easy to apply to the case.

The HedgeFunds team offers insights on growth stocks, dividend stocks, and cheap assets that are used for the future, as well as a lot of other valuable information.

In compiling the tables, the project specialists use the experience and recommendations of leading market leaders who have many years of experience in trading securities.

Although the office claims that it does not provide demo access, there is a package in the pricing table that involves using the TOP-20 and the educational blog for 7 days. On which page the real information is indicated is unknown.

HedgeFunds reviews scam

The firm's blog is a series of video tutorials on the most basic investment issues.

HedgeFunds reviews scam

From this it can be judged that the value of the table itself, which these virtues sell for 1200-2400 USD. will be no more than the video content provided for free access.

Real customer testimonials HedgeFunds

Despite the young age, HedgeFunds has already managed to noticeably annoy their clients, who did not stint on leaving adequate reviews about the activities of this office.

HedgeFunds reviews scam
HedgeFunds Reviews
HedgeFunds reviews scam
HedgeFunds Reviews

At the same time, on the site itself, of course, everything is fine. And with reviews as well.

HedgeFunds reviews scam

According to statistics, up to 95% of all brokers on the market are scammers. We can quickly close the HedgeFunds shop if users see a lot of real feedback about this project. Leave comments below this article. Perhaps it is your review that will save someone from losing money.

Scheme of cheating users of HedgeFunds

Based on what we've learned from our legal analysis, as well as actual user feedback, HedgeFunds hasn't gone too far in inventing new user parsing schemes. Everything according to the standard:

  • advertising or spam mailing with a “best offer” for the target audience (users looking for earnings on the Internet, housewives, mothers on maternity leave, novice investors);
  • registration of a new client in the system;
  • divorce on the first deposit;
  • draining the client’s money, feeding “breakfasts” when trying to withdraw funds, trying to dilute the victim for a loan and an even larger contribution, a ban.

HedgeFunds clients have often complained about brutal blocking of accounts immediately after making a deposit, ignoring technical support, stupid excuses for inaction and no withdrawal of funds. Some were lured into loans with promises that a mega-lucrative deal was about to come. There are a lot of ways of manipulation and psychological impact on unprepared users. And similar offices apply them masterfully.

When contacting companies like HedgeFunds, you should be aware that only the creators of the project can earn money here.


We found the following signs of fraud on the HedgeFunds website:

  • lack of adequate contact information;
  • providing consulting services without a license;
  • the use of information that misleads users, essential data in small print in the footer;
  • the presence of negative reviews;
  • primitive, uninformative site.

All this together or separately allows us to conclude that this resource is a typical bubble collector, such as, for example, Super Capital and others like them.

Of course, you can try to buy what HedgeFunds experts offer you. Just do not forget that you run the risk of "hitting" doubly. The first time - giving money to offices that sell for thousands of dollars. And the second time - using their unverified information in real trading. Whether all this is worth your efforts, time and money is up to you to decide.

If you have been scammed by HedgeFunds or other black brokers and you want your investment back, please leave your email in the form at the beginning of the article. We will send you a step-by-step, illustrated plan of action to take.

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