BOSCO IS A SCAM. Real reviews. Examination

A reliable platform based on artificial intelligence, instant payouts, unrealistic dividends and risk-free earnings on a full machine - all this is offered to us by the BOSCO investment company, which we intend to break apart today and make a fair diagnosis.

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BOSCO. Website, official information, verification

Broker's main website:

Trustorg rating:

BOSCO reviews scam
Trust in the network

Resource Analysis

The BOSCO website has just a monstrous adaptation. In essence, this is a one-page site, with a claim to a full-fledged resource. The structure, design, content - all this is not much different from similar projects that we reviewed on, and personally we do not have the slightest doubt that we have an ordinary hype that will not linger on the network for even half a year. Echoes our opinion and an independent appraiser of resources.

BOSCO reviews scam
Website cost estimation

The main page of the site consists of the following blocks:

  • menu (about the project, news, FAQ, user agreement, contacts, registration, login and language selection buttons);
  • a header with USP, where the company indicates its main competitive advantages and gives a link to registration;
  • presentation of investment plans;
  • about the project and the benefits of cooperation;
  • investment and withdrawal statistics;
  • company achievement counter;
  • presentation of the referral program;
  • demonstration of resources and services that protect the site.

In the footer, the office publishes its logo, as well as the logo of the main cryptocurrencies and payment systems. At the very bottom there is a button to call the chat from the "live site".

Such an uncomplicated structure carries rather scarce information and arguments why you should trust this office. We tried to find at least some official data on the site. And you can read about what we ended up with below.

Expertise of legal information, BOSCO licenses

The BOSCO office is modestly silent about any legal information about its activities. These crooks were even too lazy to fill in the section with company news, not to mention official data, which they apparently simply do not have.

Naturally, no one granted a single license to operate to anonymous swindlers. The exception was not made in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

BOSCO reviews scam
CBR data

The only hint of at least some status of the organization can be found in the "Agreement" section. There is a User Agreement, which you automatically sign as soon as you make your first deposit to the company's account.

The document has only one goal - to remove any responsibility for the client's money from the service provider and transfer all the bumps to the investor. This can be understood from the section “rights and obligations of the company” - absolutely fraudulent and stupid.

BOSCO reviews scam BOSCO reviews scam

The achievement counter located on the main page of the resource also touches.

BOSCO reviews scam

Taking into account the fact that the project had existed for 9 years at the time of writing (it is not known what, but definitely not years), as well as the amount that was paid to investors during this period, it turns out that each of them received less than 300 rubles. Doubtful income. Especially if you see the proposed investment plans with their dividends from 153% in 28 hours.

It is also embarrassing that during the period of the company's existence, it is unlikely that they could attract such a large number of customers. After all, the pages of the site are not ranked by search networks. And domain age verification data shows that the project appeared less than two weeks ago (at the time of writing).

BOSCO reviews scam
Domain Age

The office did not provide any other data on registration, licenses and other official moments, except for the feedback form and online chat. Yes, of course, they have an email, which can be found in the "Contact" section. But we would not write anything to them either by mail, or in the form, or in the chat. Indeed, in the event of real troubles, no one will help you (because it is here that you will most likely find these troubles). But by disclosing your contact details to these scammers, you will surely find yourself bombarded with tons of SPAM in just a couple of hours.

Features of the work of BOSCO. Tools and conditions for traders

The BOSCO office uses artificial intelligence to make trading decisions, which makes a detailed and impartial analysis of the market, derives patterns from it and predicts the movement of asset prices. The unique hybrid trading model allows the company to profit in any market conditions. And this is what helps them guarantee such solid dividends to their investors.

The investment plan development policy is based on the principle “the more the better”. The higher the investment amount, the more profit you can get.

Six investment plans have been developed for users to choose from, with a minimum deposit of 10 rubles and a maximum of 100,000 rubles.

BOSCO reviews scam
Investment plans

Cooperating with BOSCO, you get the following benefits:

  • an easy start in investing without long and painful training, market analysis, forecasting, studying a huge layer of theoretical aspects;
  • interaction with a professional company;
  • work with an innovative platform based on artificial intelligence;
  • data protection.

In addition to the main income, you can receive bonuses for users attracted to the project.

BOSCO reviews scam

However, given the information we collected in the previous section, all this is nothing more than fairy tales for naive hamsters. Nobody is going to pay you any fabulous interest. After all, in this case, any, even the most successful company will work for itself in the red.

By the way, the affiliate program was developed with only one goal in mind - to ensure a steady increase in new users and a lot of positive feedback. By the way, it's time to talk about the assessment of the company's activities by the clients themselves.

Real feedback from BOSCO customers

A completely green office, of course, could not collect a large number of reviews about itself. But even what we managed to find is quite enough to draw adequate conclusions. Despite the fact that BOSCO positions itself as a super reliable and innovative project with a win-win scheme for earning money, the real state of affairs contradicts this beautiful legend.

BOSCO reviews scam
BOSCO reviews

Having become a victim of BOSCO and similar scammers, the main thing is not to be silent. After all, by giving publicity to what happened, you can attract public attention and help other users avoid fatal mistakes. Tell us about what happened in the comments to this article. Perhaps it is your review that will save someone from a thoughtless loss of investment.

BOSCO User Fraud Scheme

Having looked at the investment plans offered on the BOSCO website, we immediately understood the user divorce scheme, which is not much different from other projects of a similar plan. You are lured to the platform with promises of unrealistic earnings on a full machine. All you have to do is throw in the money, and the “team of professionals” and a self-learning robot-analyst will do the rest of the work for you. However, as practice shows, all this is fiction from a series of stories about the money tree. Only people who have no idea how the market works and how money is actually earned on investing can believe in this.


The BOSCO website contains the following signs of fraud:

  • low-quality, non-unique, cheap resource;
  • lack of registration, licenses to carry out activities in the field of investment;
  • false promises of big profits that mislead users;
  • the presence of negative reviews.

In general, this list could go on for quite some time. But this is already enough to pass a merciless verdict on the monitored office. BOSCO is an ordinary scam that has nothing to do with investing or making money. Stay away from them.

If you could not resist and fell for the sweet promises of BOSCO, Butterprofxtrade or other black brokers, and now you do not know how to return the lost money - do not despair. We can help you get out of a crisis with a simple yet detailed plan of action. You can get it by filling out the form at the beginning of the article. Don't worry, it's free.

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