Any investment startup, for example Senexa, loves silence, as well as money in the global sense. This statement, of course, should not be taken literally - in modern realities, without marketing, every undertaking is doomed. In this case, the term "silence" must be considered as the absence of negativity. Even neutral estimates are alarming for potential investors. The hero of the Senexa review cannot boast of a lack of complaints from customers. In the Internet space, you can easily find positive reviews about Senexa, as well as impartial assessments of the investment company. In the latter, the authors claim that these are scammers who work under the guise of a completely pious company from the Middle Kingdom. So, there is a precedent, which means it's time to connect editorial detectives who will find out what Senexa really is.
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Senexa - another pyramid scheme or a successful investment startup?
Any serious player, having found even one negative review about Senexa on the Web, will prefer not to get involved with a progressive investment tool - this is how the project positions itself on the official website However, the efforts of the editors are primarily aimed at educating ordinary users, who, due to their incompetence, are easily deceived. Well, listen: the visual assessment of the service is negative - a standard approach to fooling the population of the virtual space. There are a lot of unsubstantiated statements, guarantees of profit and payments, some headings simply duplicate each other. In general, sheer verbiage, which does not fit in with the status of an international platform with a high reputation - again, this is how the authors of the investment startup call themselves.
From the point of view of informativeness, the "Help" section is interesting It reflects the legend of the enterprise, which is found to one degree or another on almost all pages of the service. A fascinating story tells that the startup was released in 2020, the beneficiary of the online platform is SENEXA LTD, a Chinese investment company registered in Hong Kong (No. 2972605). Clients of the service are invited to earn money by investing their savings in the global lending system, which already involves 17,000 companies from different countries, allegedly united by the service under investigation. You can enter the game with $ 50. The minimum period is 9 days. Guaranteed from 1% to 1.9%. Interest is calculated daily, every 3 and 5 days, depending on the chosen plan (here - strategies).
To an uninformed web user, the legend will not seem like a scam, but let's check it out:
- Fraud is immediately detected when checking the real age of the website, which is only (current as of 11/3/2021).
- Everything is fine with the beneficiary - such a company . It has been working since August 2020 - it also coincides. However, the Hong Kong business register is freely available. Agree, it is logical to assume that the contact details and information were simply stolen - borrowed by scammers, since there is no real evidence of the connection of SENEXA LTD with the Senexa online platform.
- But there is a service, to which the beneficiary himself makes references directly. In addition, the indicated resource appears in the documents of the person under investigation. For example, in the user agreement . That is, by registering with the accused with subsequent investment in the platform, the client, in fact, enters into an agreement with a third party.
- The presence of two identical services on the Web was explained after verification . The investment platform has really been operating since August 2020, but during this time it has earned a negative level of trust on the Web - “-80” . With a high degree of probability, SENEXA LTD itself made up a copy of the previous creation under a different IP address, which has not yet gained negative in Runet.
- No permits or regulatory documents have been submitted. Although, according to Hong Kong laws, microcredit is a type of activity that requires accreditation from the local financial regulator.
- Anonymity is also a clear sign of a scam: in fact, it is absolutely unknown who is behind the service, which sharks of the financial world will manage the investment portfolios of their clients. The statement about 17,000 companies participating in lending through the online platform is just words and nothing more. As well as the statement of payment of taxes - 8.5% for each investment period . I wonder who SENEXA LTD pays taxes to? The question is rhetorical.
- The indicated interest rate is higher than the market average, which also leads to certain thoughts - you can write anything, because no one is going to pay.
More than attractive affiliate program eliminated the last doubts that review hero regular pyramid, financially fueled by newly recruited dummies hoping to get rich thanks to a startup. Although in the vastness of the Great and Mighty there are many truly honest ones who do not deceive their own customers and are more modest in their promises, since they really evaluate the markets.
Why ignore Senex's suggestions?
Because there are negative reviews about the Senex platform, which, as it turned out, are quite objective. Allegedly useful information is either a lie or unsecured guarantees. The beauty of such financial hype is that in the first few months after the start, any investor who does not suffer from the painful excitement of an inveterate player can make good money. The appearance of such startups on the Web is a common thing. And they really pay dividends for the first time along with the body of the deposit, if the investor requires it. Otherwise, they simply will not gain the required number of customers in order to profitably close the shop overnight. However, in relation to the object of discussion, this strategy does not work. The reason lies in the first online platform, which has already worked more than originally planned by scammers. Under investigation - an attempt to extend the life of an already squandered service. Simply put, here initially no one is going to pay anything - only to collect the contributions of simpletons.

It is short - everything is said and justified above. We emphasize the main thing - negative reviews about the Senex project are not the machinations of bloodthirsty competitors, but real assessments of the activities of a fraudulent resource. And one more thing - do not try to invest in the second version of the pseudo-investment platform. Here, initially, the money will irretrievably go in one direction - the pockets of swindlers. Be carefull!