GLOBAL LIBERTY - a company robbing traders? Full review of the project and reviews.

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  • Site Overview
  • Company age
  • company "benefits"
  • Legal information
  • Conclusion and opinions about GLOBAL LIBERTY

GLOBAL LIBERTY - a company robbing traders? Full review of the project and reviews.

GLOBAL LIBERTY - a company robbing traders? Full review of the project and reviews.

Author - Andrey A.

Checked -Alexey M. 

GLOBAL LIBERTY - a company robbing traders? Full review of the project and reviews.

GLOBAL LIBERTY - a company robbing traders? Full review of the project and reviews.

  Reading time - 3 minutes

No broker can boast such a list of advantages as GLOBAL LIBERTY has. That's just all these advantages by and large are lies. This office only pretends to be a solid reliable broker. In fact, this service was created rather by scammers and you won’t be able to make money here. This is confirmed by numerous GLOBAL LIBERTY reviews from former clients of the office.

The pseudo-broker has been left without due attention from experienced traders for too long. It's time to put an end to this and bring this scam to clean water. We hope that this will save newcomers from cooperating with them, and hiding under the sign of GLOBAL LIBERTY. Read our review to the end and you will understand why you need to stay away from this false broker.

Site Overview

GLOBAL LIBERTY - a company robbing traders? Full review of the project and reviews.

GLOBAL LIBERTY - a company robbing traders? Full review of the project and reviews.

Doesn't it seem strange to you that a supposedly reputable broker offers traders such a miserable and miserable trading platform. For example, we don't think so. We are firmly convinced that the resource was bungled in no matter half an hour, on the knee.

And this is full of evidence. A primitive interface assembled from standard templates. Floating graphics. Some sections simply do not open or are empty, which indicates obvious flaws. All of the listed jambs are direct evidence of the cheapness of the service.

Even a seedy, but legal, broker will never offer traders such a resource as a trading platform. Any investment company invests in the creation of its sites from 10,000 $. Before us is a penny resource, which by no means pulls on a brokerage platform.

Company age

GLOBAL LIBERTY - a company robbing traders? Full review of the project and reviews.

Possible crooks are trying to convince us that they have been fruitfully plowing the financial markets for several years. During this time, they managed to win the trust and respect of thousands of traders who directly pray for this broker. Nonsense! We checked how long ago the company was founded.

The GLOBAL LIBERTY resource began its work no earlier than March 2021. And where is the years of experience? And the false broker is lying about the army of fans. During the existence of the service, swindlers not only did not gain respect and trust, but on the contrary, they made a good hundred enemies, represented by traders. This is evidenced GLOBAL LIBERTY reviews, of which there are already plenty on the Internet. And believe me, among them there are no positive comments about this office.

company "benefits"

All sections of the site of scammers literally overwhelm users with listing the advantages of a pseudo-broker. OK then. Let's look at some of them.

  • Free consultations for absolutely everyone. We know these "consultants". Their task is to motivate the user to open an account and replenish it. Then the advisers begin to competently lead the client to an even larger contribution. And so on until something can be milked from the victim, in terms of finances. As soon as the investor has exhausted his financial resources, the advice stops, and the trader's account is tritely blocked.
  • Own academy for beginners. Yah? Are you seriously. We have seen your academy and nothing can be learned there. In the training section, scammers offer a selection of articles that are already freely available on the Internet.
  • Guaranteed fixed income. And this, excuse me, how? How can a broker guarantee a trader that his income will be fixed and stable? In the financial market, as elsewhere, everything depends on the knowledge and skills of a person. And here we are even guaranteed, regardless of our knowledge in trading. Brad is shorter.
  • Multilevel affiliate program. And we know this lure. Bring the same fool to our site and we will unfasten you a percentage, the value of which depends on the amounts contributed by the new victim.

And this is only a small part of all the "advantages" of the pseudo-broker GLOBAL LIBERTY. The site of the office is simply littered with such advantages, but you can’t find really important and useful information here.

Legal information

There is not much to say here. There is no license or any documentation confirming the legality of the company. Such a "broker" is clearly not worth trusting your money. By the way, a gang of crooks has registered its offspring in an offshore zone. Is it possible that even after such information there will be those who want to cooperate with this scammer?

Conclusion and opinions about GLOBAL LIBERTY

GLOBAL LIBERTY is a bright representative of the loot collection family. Not a single trader has yet managed to make money on this project. But all the clients of this service turned out to give their money to scammers. In this regard, we strongly recommend that you bypass this pseudo-broker and, if you wish, you can even spit in its direction, thereby wishing it to close as soon as possible.

GLOBAL LIBERTY - a company robbing traders? Full review of the project and reviews.

There is an exit!

Dear Sirs, if you got into an unfortunate situation and lost your money with a false broker, or a Fraudulent Broker leaked your deposit, or you accidentally got into a scam in binary options, Forex or Cryptocurrency projects, then do not despair! you still have a proven, legal and reliable option to get your money back! This is the Chargeback procedure. You can do this by using the services of our money back partners. Just follow the link to the partner's website, get acquainted with its services and get advice!

We wish you the best results in binary options trading!

GLOBAL LIBERTY - a company robbing traders? Full review of the project and reviews.

  • Author — Andrey Andreevich
  • Professional columnist of scams and false projects
  • Specialist in the analysis of companies on "SCAM" and "HYIP"
  • Inspector - Alexey Georgievich
  • Market Analyst
  • Master in writing articles about fraudulent organizations

GLOBAL LIBERTY - a company robbing traders? Full review of the project and reviews.

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  • yes, but now I am arranging the chargeback procedure
  • no, it's inherently dangerous

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  • yes, and the deposit was all lost
  • yes, but now I am arranging the chargeback procedure
  • no, it's inherently dangerous

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