FXForTrader positions itself as a platform that develops software for trading market analysis, and also provides educational materials for beginners and experienced traders. In the piggy bank only unique courses and tools. Today we will figure out how high-quality this platform is.
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[wpforms id="1014"]FXForTrader General information
Broker's main website:
Whois check:
Domain Age
Site analysis
A specialized service estimated the cost of the site at 5.5 thousand rubles. It seems that this one is somehow too much for such a resource. Like most non-brokers that we talk about on binarybets.ru, he looks very simple and banal. The main page includes sections:
- products;
- education;
- blog;
- support.
Site rating
There are also sections. In the footer of the site, you can find the tabs "About the project", "Analytics", "Webinars", "Forum". True, there is a small nuance: they are highlighted in gray and are not pressed. That is, if you want to learn more about this office or read some user notes on the forum, then this will not work.
In addition, you can even change the language of the site, but nothing happens when you click. The question arose: if it is still impossible to change the language of the site, then why display this button on the portal at all? Obviously, to create the illusion of a serious project.
It's funny that 3 values of the company are written in the "Our Mission" tab and for some reason they are titled in English words. It's funny, because if this is a completely Russian-language resource and is focused on the citizens of the Russian Federation, then what is it for? The question is rhetorical.
Expertise of legal information, FXForTrader licenses
The domain was created back in 2018, but the web archive only has copies for 2020. As of January 2020, it looked exactly the same. Moreover, all sections and descriptions were identical. Imagine, even the cost of courses and software has not changed. Apparently, the creators so want to show that everything is stable with them and inflation is unable to force them to raise prices for their services.
Naturally, there is no legal information, except for the privacy policy, the rules for using the site and the user agreement. As scammers usually do, they warn about the risks, thereby relieving themselves of responsibility for the client’s losses. This is indicated in the footer of the site, and in each paragraph, and in the paragraphs of the privacy policy. If the portal fails, an error occurs in the operation of the software, or a third party does something with your account, the administration is not responsible.
As for contact information, it can be found in small print in the footer of the site. There is an address for correspondence and two e-mails: for customers and technical support for the site. You can also contact the support service in a special section by sending a request. First you have to choose a topic. At the same time, it is curious that if the client is not answered within 72 hours, then the application will be canceled.
In addition, there are links to telegram channels that are updated daily, as well as to YouTube.
In the privacy policy, you can find the legal address of an individual entrepreneur, who, apparently, is the organizer of FXForTrader. It is located in Tyumen. How much this individual entrepreneur is connected with this office is difficult to say on 100%, but judging by the additional activities, he can develop software. Plus, the address for correspondence matches the legal address of the individual entrepreneur.
On the website of the Central Bank of Russia, it does not have any licenses for financial activities on the territory of our country.
Registers of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation
There is no information about payment methods, but there is information on how to return funds if something went wrong. Although it is curious here that if the client did get access to the products, then for overhead costs and commissions for the return of funds, the company will deduct 25% from the amount. And if you go down a couple of paragraphs, then again there is information about the commission, but already payment systems, which will also be deducted from the amount. That is, it is not a fact that in the end only 25% will be taken away.
Features of the FXForTrader company. Tools and conditions for traders
FXForTrader offers novice and experienced traders educational and analytical information about the trading markets. Thus, you can purchase Expert Advisors and indicators that allow you to identify real-time data from the array of information about the state of the market, critical expectations of participants about it, upcoming trends, the best entry points with a high risk-to-reward ratio. In addition, you can buy a special adviser that, with a single keystroke, will save the client from random actions, help to open and close a deal in time with the necessary parameters. The cost of these products is from 55 rubles. up to 650 rubles per month. However, it will vary depending on how long the subscription is for.
For novice traders, the company offers unique courses developed by CFOs of leading foreign trade companies. Topics of training materials: option analysis, Adverza tactics, margin provision. The cost starts from 14 thousand rubles. up to 69,999 thousand rubles.
Real FXForTrader customer reviews
There are almost no real customer reviews to be found, which is embarrassing. The company has been operating for at least 2 years, during which time both positive and negative reviews should have accumulated.
Leave a comment below this article if you have come across the FXForTrader scam. This will help other traders not to be left without their own funds.
Scheme of deceiving FXForTrader users
The scammers are clearly betting heavily on beginners who don't understand trading at all, so you can find a lot of educational information here. At the same time, there is no information about who developed these courses, what qualifications the teachers have. There is a high probability that the same information can be found in the public domain on Google. Although all courses cost a lot of money.
It is also not clear how the software is really of high quality and, again, who developed it. There is not a single mention of the authors and generally any reviews of people. If a company makes a really high-quality product, then why does no one leave positive comments about it?
We conclude that FXForTrader does a good job of marketing, luring people with its product videos and supposedly useful information in telegram channels. Although it is obvious that they simply find articles on the Internet. What is worth only material with the title "Elon Musk: we are far from extinction in the metaverse." At the same time, the quality and effectiveness of their products is highly questionable.
And, of course, some incomprehensible costs and commissions of 25% from the amount when returning the client's funds that the company will take are also doubtful. That is, in fact, the creators will in any case remain in the black, even if the trader wants to return his money for a low-quality product.
FXForTrader does not inspire any confidence. The company does not have any legal documents confirming the right to financial and educational activities, as well as quality certificates for their products. The probability that their development is really effective tends to zero.
In addition, the creators claim that they are cool and unique in their segment, but there is no confirmation of this. It is not known what kind of company this is, how many years it has been on the market, who is its creator and developer. In addition, if the product was really good, then there would be positive feedback from users and statistics on the operation of the software.
Of course, the story of the complete disclaimer of responsibility is of great doubt - this is what all scammers do, as well as a deduction of at least 25% from the amount when returning the client's funds. Thus, in any case, the company will remain in the black, and the client will suffer losses.
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