FSCR is a SCAM. Real reviews. Examination

Today we have on the agenda an investment broker with the authoritative name FSCRegulator. The company has over 20 years of experience in expert financial advice. Let's figure out what kind of comrades they are and whether they can be trusted.

FSCR. General information

Main site:


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Whois score:

FSCR is a SCAM. Real reviews. Examination

Domain Age

Site analysis

The FSCR website has nothing to do with the resources of reputable financial brokers. The developers did not even bother to attach a favicon to their creation. The structure and content of the site is quite trivial, not much different from other similar resources reviewed by us on binarybets.ru.

An independent service gave out a price for this project, quite adequate to the efforts of its creators.

FSCR is a SCAM. Real reviews. Examination

On the main page we see the following blocks:

  • a logo that looks very much like the logo of a famous regulator;
  • menu (about the company, career, for investors, avoid fraud, services, contacts);
  • a header with USP and buttons "our services" and "contact us";
  • about the company and answers to the most common questions;
  • search string for checking financial brokers;
  • a counter of market events processed since the loading of the page with an impressive number.

The footer contains duplicated links to menu items, email and phone number. Let's see how these guys are doing with legally sensitive information.

Due Diligence, FSCR Licenses

Let's start with the address. FSCR listed a business center in Belgium as its registration.

FSCR is a SCAM. Real reviews. Examination


Many companies are based here, but we did not find our heroes in the catalog of organizations.

FSCR is a SCAM. Real reviews. Examination

Address verification

At the same time, FSCR is trying in every possible way to add credibility and reliability to itself. For example, by creating the "Beware of scammers" section. It prescribes divorce schemes, which are usually resorted to by scammers, and even a strategy for confronting obsessive swindlers. But this section does not carry any special informational value. The text is full of water and common phrases. It is impossible to apply this knowledge in practice.

We were touched by the loud statement that the broker has been on the market for more than 20 years.

FSCR is a SCAM. Real reviews. Examination

We checked the age of the domain name under which the "authoritative" site of our heroes is registered, and found out that the resource appeared no earlier than 2020 (see the very first screen in the review). At the same time, judging by the data of the web archive, some kind of life originated here even later.

FSCR is a SCAM. Real reviews. Examination

Web archive

What have the guys from FSCR been doing all these years? Obviously, they were gaining experience in breeding hamsters, or promoting other “investment projects”.

We did not find these comrades in the register of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation either.

FSCR is a SCAM. Real reviews. Examination

But without a license from the main financial regulator of Russia, not a single company has the right to carry out financial activities on the territory of the country and some CIS states. So, our people can safely pass by.

Features of the work of the company FSCR. Tools and conditions for traders

According to legend, FSCR entered the investment advisory market more than 20 years ago. During this time, the heroes of our review managed to achieve unprecedented success by combining decades of industry experience.

FSCR is a SCAM. Real reviews. Examination

The broker offers its clients the following services:

  • free trade;
  • pension investment;
  • mutual funds;
  • investment trusts;
  • investment in commodities and bonds;
  • financial planning and trust management of capital;
  • licensing.

Along with advising and managing clients' investments, FSCR acts as a regulator for brokers who can obtain licenses for their activities. However, judging by what we were able to find during the analysis of the company's legal information, all these services were invented to blur the eyes. Before us is a typical scam that not only scams people for money, but also produces various pseudo-brokers who cover up their fraudulent activities with fake licenses.

Real FSCR customer testimonials

There are practically no reviews about FSCR on the web. This is understandable, because the organization acts not as a broker, but as a financial regulator and consultant. Traders only encounter brokers to whom this office issues fake licenses. Although, it is possible that soon there will be victims of “investment consultants” whose services these comrades offer on the Internet.

If you have become victims of FSCR scams, leave comments below this article. Perhaps it is your review that will save someone from losing money.

FSCR user fraud scheme

Due to the lack of real feedback on the activities of the FSCR, it is difficult to say what kind of divorce scheme they use in their "consultations". Obviously, this is a traditional scheme for draining the balance of clients “for technical reasons”, “for violation of the rules for using the resource” or a banal ignore as soon as the user deposits real money on the balance.

But the main damage that this office causes to the market is the issuance of fake licenses to fraudsters like themselves. There are a lot of fake brokers on the internet who proudly display FSCR licenses on their websites and then steal money from honest traders.


The FSCR website contains the following signs of fraud:

  • primitive, uninformative, cheap site;
  • lack of clear contact information, use of fake registration data;
  • availability of information that misleads users (in particular, about the experience of the company, the services provided by the regulator);
  • absence of the organization in the registers of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;
  • the presence of negative reviews.

Now you know, not only the FSCR scammers, but also the price of their licenses. Therefore, if you suddenly find a broker on the Internet with a piece of paper from the regulator considered today, you can safely send it to the trash.

If you have become a victim of FSCR or other black brokers and want to get your hard-earned money back, leave your mail in the form at the beginning of the article. We will send you a step-by-step, illustrated plan of action to take.

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