ZERIXFUND - SCAM. Real reviews. Examination

Fabulous interest on the initial investment, round-the-clock support and even an office in London. All this is promised to us by ZERIXFUND. But is it worth investing money at such huge interest rates, or is it better to have a bird in your hand? We will draw a conclusion at the end of this review.

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ZERIXFUND. General information

Broker's main website:


Whois score:


Site analysis

The ZERIXFUND company, without any promises of successful success and profitable profit, immediately gets down to business. In the header of the main page, they publish a grid of deposit packages. The key action button is also given there - “make a deposit”, the choice of the site display language, technical support buttons and a transition to the section with answers to questions.

Under the grid of investment plans, ZERIXFUND publishes operating instructions. It includes three very simple steps.

The following are the currencies you can use to start making profits.

Under the block with currency logos there is a button “Register now”.

Below it is written how much was invested and how much was paid out. We really like to stop our attention on such counters, and here's why: if the amount of payments is divided by the number of project participants, then it turns out that each of them received about 317 rubles. The amount of investments is about 860 rubles from the nose. At the same time, the office indicates that the project is working "9", without any explanation of what this figure means. But, regardless of whether it is years, months or days, there can be no talk of any 128-305% from the amount of investment. Even a schoolboy with a calculator in his hands will understand this.

At the end, a financial table is published, where in real time you can see the amounts of deposits and payments that are made on the project. After analyzing the table, we see that the main part of the payments is minuscule. Moreover, there are no guarantees that all these figures are not a banal animation.


In the footer of the main page - copyright information and a repeat of the top menu. On this information about the office is exhausted.

Expertise of legal information, ZERIXFUND licenses

Of course, a template like ZERIXFUND looks less hackneyed than those sites where each block describes the benefits of working with some scam broker. Take, for example, information about a company that looks like this:


Or the complete absence of even “painted” data on licenses obtained or state registration of a company providing financial services. Not to mention full legal contacts… We did not find anything of this on the site.

In the "support" section - a proposal for all questions of interest to write to e-mail. And also - an invitation to visit the London office of the company (which is especially important for investors from Russia, for whom this site was carefully translated). In addition, it is strange to see the office of the company in a seemingly residential building, where there are not even any signs.


Based on the fact that the headquarters of this organization is located in London, we searched for information about ZERIXFUND in the UK public registry. However, which was to be expected, such a company was never heard of in Foggy Albion.

ZERIXFUND State Register data

We also checked the age of the ZERIXFUND domain. It turned out that the project does not exist even for 9 days. Because at the time of this writing, judging by the latest update, the project has only existed for 5 days (look at the very first screen).

Since the site has an adaptation for Russian-speaking investors and investment packages in rubles, it follows that ZERIXFUND is aimed at cooperation with clients from the Russian Federation or the CIS countries. To do this, they need to obtain an appropriate legal document from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. However, there is nothing of the kind either on the website or in the Central Bank database itself. We also could not find any documents from other regulators.

Features of the ZERIXFUND company. Tools and conditions for traders

The office offers investment products with a profit of 128% to 305% in 24-26 hours. At the same time, the minimum investment is only 10 rubles (!). And the maximum is 100,000 rubles.

The pricing policy is based on the principle - you invest more, you get more.

To get started, you need to register and open a deposit. After the money is credited to the system, you will automatically start making a profit. You do not need any special skills, news analysis or other forecasting methods. You simply deposit rubles or the equivalent in crypto and fiat money into the account, and you can watch your profit grow while drinking coffee or something stronger.

But we would not recommend investing even 10 rubles in this project. You will find out why in the next section.

Real customer reviews ZERIXFUND

Since ZERIXFUND is a very young project, we were unable to find many reviews about it.


However, we dare to assume that since the office offers earnings by promoting them through an affiliate program, we will soon see a huge number of laudatory odes with which scammers provide themselves without investing in advertising precisely by using affiliate programs.


If you have become victims of ZERIXFUND scams, leave comments under this article. Perhaps it is your review that will save someone from losing money.

ZERIXFUND User Fraud Scheme

The divorce scheme is simple but effective. Fraudsters promise an unrealistically steep profit in exchange for relatively small investments (you can start earning from 10 rubles). But after an investor (usually newcomers to the financial market) makes a deposit, his account is blocked after some time.

Initially, the investor is allowed to withdraw a small amount of money to stimulate even larger investments. But after you decide to make a large deposit, you lose.


We found the following signs of fraud on the ZERIXFUND website:

  • inaccurate information about the time of existence on the market;
  • lack of licenses from regulators, including the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;
  • inaccurate/incomplete legal address;
  • lack of information about the activities of the company;
  • negative reviews;
  • inflated profit margins, misleading customers.

Given this, we concluded that ZERIXFUND is a banal hype project that can collapse within a month. There is no reliable information about whether this company makes withdrawals of funds, and whether it is worth trusting - no. And the huge percentages that are drawn for inexperienced beginners exist only on the site of this scam.

If you have become a victim of ZERIXFUND or other black brokers and want to get your hard-earned money back, leave your mail in the form at the beginning of the article. We will send you a step-by-step, illustrated plan of action to take.

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