Each trader enters the financial market with one goal - to achieve maximum results in the form of high and stable income. The same goals are pursued by business, entrepreneurs, and organizations. And some companies have been created to help small and medium-sized businesses achieve the results they want. Today we will just talk about a similar project, which is called INVEST ACCOUNTANCY and offers companies working in the field of "goods" (marketplaces, suppliers, distributors) to expand the capabilities of their service by connecting to the blockchain and receive hourly passive income from investments. And if everything is so transparent and rosy, as INVEST ACCOUNTANCY claims, you can understand at the end of this review.
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INVEST ACCOUNTANCY. General information.
Broker's main website:
Trustorg rating:
Check by TrustorgAccording to the check, IP invest.accountants also registered:
Site analysis
The INVEST ACCOUNTANCY website has a standard, and sometimes crooked, template, looking at which you can see that the layout customer spent three kopecks on it. The site menu includes the following sections:
- about company;
- rules for using the platform, they are also the Client-User Agreement;
- Questions and answers;
- project verification;
- technical support;
- sign up/login button.
In the header under the menu there is a picture that clearly demonstrates the scheme of the project, as well as a text about who INVEST ACCOUNTANCY are.
Next up is a loud call to action and a Get Started button.
Next is the block with benefits. Below is information about the company INVEST ACCOUNTANCY LTD, which was allegedly founded in 2011 and connects manufacturers, distributors and wholesalers to retailers from all over the world. Here, the office paints in every possible way how attractive, safe and transparent it is for its client.
Under the “About the Company” block full of water, there is an instruction for registration, which includes three simple, standard steps:
- registration;
- making a deposit;
- instant profit withdrawals.
Below is the INVEST ACCOUNTANCY investment plan, which includes three packages for making a deposit, the nominal value of which starts from 10 c.u. and ends at 50,000 c.u. At the same time, the higher the deposit amount, the higher the percentage. From the maximum contribution, the generous INVEST ACCOUNTANCY pay hitherto unseen 55%.
Further, a little more water is poured that INVEST ACCOUNTANCY is a representative of world famous and private companies and is constantly increasing its working capital reserve.
Below are the statistics with the total amount of deposits to the platform, the number of days of work and how much the office has already paid out funds.
A notable feature is the INVEST ACCOUNTANCY referral program. According to its terms, the company is ready to pay up to 40% from the deposits of attracted users.
Under the information for referrals, there is information that the company is registered in the UK, its registration number and a verification button on the website of the Register of Organizations of the United Kingdom.
By the way, we talked about how any rogue can register his "company" in the UK without even leaving his sofa somewhere in Uryupinsk, we talked about last time, in an article about another financial pyramid. We Go trade.
At the very bottom of the page, a financial table of deposits and withdrawals is displayed, as well as logos of the blockchains that INVEST ACCOUNTANCY works with.
The footer contains contact information, quick access links to different sections of the page.
Expertise of legal information, INVEST ACCOUNTANCY licenses
Let's say right away that INVEST ACCOUNTANCY is indeed registered and located at the specified address.

But the officially registered activities of the company have nothing to do with investments.

Confused also by the fact that the company's annual profit for a long time amounted to 1 pound sterling. This can only mean that the company keeps its real money offshore or was not as successful as it wants to be.

Another point that raises questions is that only 1 employee is registered in such a “serious” investment company - a native of the UK, on which another clothing retail company hangs.

And, of course, our favorite: the lifetime of the domain. It was registered with INVEST ACCOUNTANCY at the beginning of September 2021.

Well, and for dessert - the lack of a license for financial activities, including permission from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which gives the right to work with Russian investors.

There are no on the site of these scammers and any mention of the regulators that control their work. A curtain.
Features of INVEST ACCOUNTANCY. Tools and conditions for traders
Although on the main page you can drown from the amount of water poured. From what is written there, it can be understood that we have an office that provides a platform where wholesalers and suppliers of goods meet with potential customers for safe trading due to the connection to the blockchain network (transactions in the digital currency Bitcoin, etc.).
Benefits for clients include:
- project participants can increase their capital, receiving hourly profit from investments;
- convenience and stability;
- support 24/7;
- high performance of the trading platform;
- many channels for withdrawing profits.
In other words, water is about profitable benefits and successful success. No specifics, figures, facts. In the FAQ section, there is not a word about how wholesalers and retailers work with the platform. It's all about deposits. We did not find any training on working with the platform or coverage of the main tools on the site.
Real customer reviews INVEST ACCOUNTANCY
Unfortunately, there are almost no reviews about INVEST ACCOUNTANCY in Runet. No wonder. After all, the project has just appeared. But on the other hand, we found a review that confirms our opinion that the company is engaged in illegal activities.

If you have been the victim of a scam INVEST ACCOUNTANCY - leave comments under this article. Perhaps it is your review that will save someone from losing money.
The INVEST ACCOUNTANCY project offers b2b services, providing a platform for the wholesale trade of goods with blockchain settlements. At the same time, in order to enter the site, you need to make a deposit, from which the investor, supposedly, will earn huge interest.
The scammer also implements a referral program to attract even more "Pinocchio" investors and sharing positive feedback about their criminal activities.
Before us is a typical financial pyramid that will burst as quickly as all the previous ones registered on their IP.
There are clear signs of fraudulent projects:
- a non-unique site of low quality that may malfunction;
- other projects that were found by IP and, most likely, belong to the same office, are no longer available today and, judging by the reviews and reviews, offered the same “stable income” schemes;
- there is no license to conduct financial activities, including from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;
- there are no regulators controlling the work of the company;
- the type of activity prescribed in the certificate of registration of the company - accounting services and consultations on tax legislation;
- concealment of real income, number of employees.
From all this, we can conclude that INVEST ACCOUNTANCY is a primitive and miserable hype scam that offers unrealistic interest in order to lure as much money as possible from simple, ignorant people.
Payments from the site are not confirmed anywhere. No one is protecting your deposits. So, together we pass by and go to learn normal earnings on investments.
If you are a victim INVEST ACCOUNTANCY or other black brokers, and want to return your hard-earned money - leave your mail in the form at the beginning of the article. We will send you a step-by-step, illustrated action plan that we have developed for you to take to get out of your situation.