FLYES-COIN IS A SCAM. Real reviews. Examination

Secure crypto transactions, professional features, expert support, a huge leverage of 1:100 - all this is promised by the broker with the “flying” name FLYES-COIN. For its clients, the company offers ample opportunities for replenishing a trading account, but is it worth it to rush and invest in this organization and whether it will “fly away” into oblivion along with your investments, you will have to figure out this review.

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FLYES COIN. General information

Broker's main website:

Whois score:

FLYES-COIN reviews scammer

Site analysis

The FLYES-COIN broker website is a rather primitive example of web resources. Such sites can be made without much effort and knowledge, within a couple of hours. And this is the first thing that can give out an unscrupulous company. True, some scammers still "steam" about adaptability. Our "patient" limited himself to translating some pages into foreign languages, including Russian. The rest of the template has low adaptability and when narrowing the browser window, many blocks run into each other. Perhaps, of course, we are dealing with a company that appeared on the market back when users carried a push-button Nokia in their pockets and connected to the Internet via a telephone modem. But something tells us that the reason for such a low quality of the resource lies elsewhere.

The top menu includes the following sections:

  • trade;
  • rates;
  • vouchers;
  • referral program;
  • economic news;
  • FAQ.

Next to the menu bar is a login/registration button. At the bottom is a standard and very primitive picture with an inscription that suggests that if you were looking for secure cryptocurrency transactions with professional features and friendly support, then you have come to the right address. In the same place, the target action button is duplicated - “registration”.

On the left, right below the registration button, there is a hint that the page needs to be scrolled down. So we did.

Below is a block with the latest news in the world of trading and the cryptocurrency market. Following is a financial table with current rates (rate) of cryptocurrencies.

Then you can consider an unusual product - instant P2P transactions or vouchers. When clicking on the target action button, the user is taken to the login/registration page.

Next is the presentation of the trading platform, which allows you to trade with ample opportunities, fast order execution and deep liquidity.

Almost at the very end, another FLYES-COIN product is presented - staking, which allows you to scale your trading by increasing deposits.

Above the “basement”, the broker modestly publishes the benefits of working with their company.

In the footer, the menu is duplicated, as well as several additional sections. For example, “about us”, where FLYES-COIN gives arguments why you need to choose them for crypto trading. Photos of the FLYES-COIN team, which includes representatives of various states, are also published there. It is with them that we will begin the analysis of the company's official information in the next subheading.

Expertise of legal information, FLYES-COIN licenses

So, to increase user loyalty, the FLYES-COIN broker publishes photos of the company's employees on its page. However, the office did not take into account that, for example, Yandex Browser has such a wonderful function as "find this image on the Internet." When searching through these photos, we found that the sites using them do not refer to FLYES-COIN in any way. Each of these people is employed in various fields of activity, and appears in absolutely "left" teams.

FLYES-COIN reviews scammer

As the address of its headquarters, FLYES-COIN cites the USA. The given address exists. Just a huge number of different companies "live" on it, but FLYES-COIN is not among them.

FLYES-COIN reviews scammer
FLYES-COIN google map data

This is another example of our theory that the owners of such commercial properties simply sell addresses to various offices for a small price, “registering” a variety of crooks on them. We have no other explanation for the presence of such “rubber” objects, where brokers simply get lost, as if through a looking glass. Moreover, the office does not provide any other channels for communication.

FLYES-COIN claims to be registered in the UK (very strange for a broker stationed in America, but okay). However, the result of the check on the website of the state registry of the United Kingdom was quite predictable:

FLYES-COIN reviews scammer
FLYES-COIN state register

FLYES-COIN does not have any evidence of the legality of work in the financial market on the website, except for a small note that they have received all the necessary licenses and statuses. Despite the fact that the company operates in the field of cryptocurrency trading, its activities should be regulated by independent organizations. However, the broker, obviously, did not consider it necessary to obtain such licenses either in his own country or in the Russian Federation. Although without permission from the Central Bank, the company does not have the right to have any financial relations with residents of Russia and other CIS countries.

FLYES-COIN reviews scammer

Well, the last thing we want to pay attention to is the age of the domain. Despite the fact that FLYES-COIN positions itself as a team of professionals with many years of experience, Whois verification data tells us that the company’s website, and therefore itself, appeared in September 2021. While there is a rule among experienced traders - do not invest in offices that have been on the market for less than a year.

It turns out that the heroes of our review have dried up on all fronts, although they are trying to pass themselves off as a serious, prosperous company.

Features of the work of the company FLYES-COIN. Tools and conditions for traders

FLYES-COIN has prepared a number of advantages for its clients:

  • a team of professionals, many years of experience, successful success;
  • a large selection of auxiliary products;
  • chic leverage;
  • coverage around the world;
  • protection against attacks by hackers and other cyber radishes;
  • over 10 ways to replenish a trading account;
  • legal compliance.

The company also offers a generous affiliate program, with high commissions for each new trader you bring. However, it seems to us that this miracle broker pays for affiliate programs just as conscientiously as it places truthful information about its office.

Real FLYES-COIN customer reviews

Since we found out that the FLYES-COIN office appeared on the network last month, there is no need to look for real reviews about it. Perhaps traders are still eyeing this player. Or maybe the office cleans up negative comments. However, we could not find any comments on the topic of FLYES-COIN.

At the same time, since the broker offers to cooperate with him through an affiliate program, it is possible that soon a string of positive responses from all kinds of blochers and referrals will appear on the network. In the meantime, we are waiting for comments on our website.

If you fell for the bait of FLYES-COIN scammers, leave your feedback under this article. Perhaps it is your review that will save someone from losing money. Or maybe we are such nasty ones, we offend good offices with our checks and eternal banter.

FLYES-COIN user fraud scheme

Since we did not find any reviews about the work of FLYES-COIN, it is difficult to talk about exactly how they deceive traders. But the fact that this certainly happens is a fact, which is indicated by a number of arguments and results of checks.

Of the possible divorce schemes:

  • blocking accounts with real accounts;
  • blackmail, intimidation;
  • spam;
  • false promises;
  • deliberately unprofitable recommendations;
  • offers to invest a large amount and play "big";
  • collection of payment for non-existent services or commissions.

As you can see, there are several options. You can choose for every taste. However, each of them will lead to a single result - the loss of money, time and nerves.


We found on the FLYES-COIN website carefully veiled for beginners, but clearly visible to an experienced eye, signs of fraud:

  • low quality, poor adaptability of the site;
  • non-unique design, content;
  • photos of the “team” stolen from other resources
  • lack of plausible legal information, contact details;
  • illegal activity without licenses from regulators, including the Central Bank of Russia;
  • short period of existence in the financial market;
  • false registration data.

If you have become a victim of FLYES-COIN or other black brokers and want to return the selected money, leave your mail in the form at the beginning of the article. We will send you a step-by-step, illustrated plan of action to take.

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