Availce is a SCAM. Real reviews. Examination

Access to the largest financial markets, minimal additional costs, the help of experienced professionals and instant execution of transactions - all this is promised by the Availce broker, which causes an acute sense of deja vu. In the review, we will check the main legal information of the company and make the main verdict.

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Availce. General information

Broker's main website:


Trustorg rating:

Availce reviews scam
Availce online trust

Site analysis

Availce's website is painfully primitive and non-unique. Common phrases, standard structure, cheap, low quality template. This is evidenced by the assessment of the cost of the site.

Availce reviews scam
Availce website cost estimate

Such templates are grabbed on free stocks or typeset within a couple of hours by scam brokers and other similar one-day offices. But let's go from beginning to end without jumping to conclusions.

The main page includes the following sections:

  • menu (about the company + accreditations and licenses, market overview, trading conditions, contacts), next to which there are registration / login buttons, as well as language selection;
  • a header with a description of the main advantages and a target action button “start trading”;
  • the benefits of cooperation;
  • 3-step instruction to start trading;
  • and again benefits (additional);
  • world economic news;
  • presentation of account types.

The main menu of the site is duplicated in the footer. It also contains information about the address of registration of the company and the licenses received by it. We will dwell on this point in more detail in the next chapter.

Expertise of legal information, Availce licenses

Let's start with the address. The office indicates that it is registered in the USA, Pennsylvania. Although, according to the results of checking for trust in the network (the very first screen), the broker's domain is registered in the Netherlands. Be that as it may, Google does not know the streets with that name. Therefore, it is most likely that the broker indicated a fake address in order to quickly cover their tracks and avoid liability in which case. After all, suing offices that lead an anonymous “lifestyle” is a waste of time.

Availce reviews scam
Availce google maps

A similar story is with the phone number given in the "Contacts" section. Such a number simply does not exist.

Availce reviews scam
Availce phone number verification

In the same place in the "contacts" office offers to contact her by e-mail. But this method is the most inefficient. In case of problems, the answer, most likely, you will wait a very long time. But your personal data for receiving all kinds of SPAM mailings, you will "light up" 100%.

What about our esteemed Availce with licenses? The office indicates that it acts in accordance with the requirements of the regulators of Cyprus, Mauritius and IFSC. And even gives license numbers. It is reasonable to check them for authenticity using the database of the mentioned companies.

Availce reviews scam
Availce license
Availce reviews scam
Availce license
Availce reviews scam
Availce license

The same situation is with the license of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which any broker must obtain in order to have the right to work with traders from Russia and the CIS countries.

Availce reviews scam
Availce Central Bank of Russia

We think comments are unnecessary here. We are dealing with an anonymous firm that is free to rob its customers with impunity without bearing any responsibility for it.

And finally, Availce in the section "About the company" says that it has been successfully operating for more than 4 years. During this time, they managed to get 36.5 thousand customers and reach a daily turnover of 150 million dollars.

However, if you believe the results of the Whois check, and we believe them, because this is an independent service, then the office “washed down” its website in early October 2021.

Availce reviews scam
Availce Whois

Of course, the domain itself appeared much earlier, in 2015. But the first stirrings began to take place here in August 2018. At that time, the site of the design office was located here.

Availce reviews scam
Availce web archive

Therefore, there is no question of any tens of thousands of customers, colossal turnover and reliability, no matter what legends about the path to success are composed.

Features of the Availce company. Tools and conditions for traders

For its clients, the office has prepared a large number of advantages:

  • 200+ tools;
  • work with a fully licensed company;
  • full protection of accounts;
  • round the clock support;
  • 100% reliability of all requests on the screen, instant transaction execution;
  • state-of-the-art trading platform;
  • advice from experienced experts.

To get started, you need to apply for registration and replenish your deposit account by choosing one of the 3 investment packages. The minimum investment amount is 150 USD. For this you get a leverage of 1:100 and instant order execution. To get deposit insurance, the ability to trade crypto and a leverage of 1:500, you need to replenish your balance by $1,000. The maximum package "Professional" implies an investment of 10,000 USD. and opens up all the possibilities of the resource, including deposit protection and round-the-clock personal support.

However, based on the information we received during the analysis of legal data, all this is colorful noodles for naive beginners who are not yet able to separate the wheat from the chaff. Our words are confirmed by the real reviews we found.

Real customer testimonials Availce

Despite the fact that the Availce office appeared relatively recently, it has already managed to "inherit" the order in the network. Reviews about the work of the broker are completely negative, which is another flag warning about the dangers of cooperation.

Availce reviews scam
Availce Reviews
Availce reviews scam
Availce Reviews

If you have become victims of Availce scams, leave comments below this article. Perhaps it is your review that will save someone from losing money.

Scheme of cheating Availce users

In the course of analyzing the reviews, we found that the broker is engaged in tweaking the operation of the trading terminal, blocking accounts without reimbursement of lost money, misleading, recommendations of deliberately unprofitable transactions.

Therefore, the scheme of work of such comrades is not much different from, for example, NEWBIZWAY and other similar firms.

They lure clients to their resource, sing laudatory odes to themselves, talk about the fact that with them you can easily and quickly raise fabulous sums. Intoxicated by the thirst for profit, users do not have time to come to their senses, as they are already transferring their, perhaps, the last money to the broker's account. And at this point, the ability to manage personal funds is lost.

You may be promised payments for a long time, explain the delay with technical reasons, require you to pay huge commissions for withdrawing from a "Swiss bank" or stupidly block for "violating the rules for using the resource." But, one way or another, you will no longer see your own, much less earned money.


Our verdict is unequivocal - we do not recommend trading with Availce because it is a typical black broker. This is evidenced by the signs of fraudulent organizations that we have established;

  • false data on registration, contacts;
  • lack of licenses from regulators, including the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;
  • primitive, non-unique site;
  • implausible information about the time of presence on the market;
  • the presence of negative reviews.

Our comrade scored all possible negative points, so he is sent to the list of the same color as his activity.

If you have become a victim of Availce or other black brokers and want to get your hard-earned money back, leave your mail in the form at the beginning of the article. We will send you a step-by-step, illustrated plan of action to take.

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