Yobit.Net user reviews about the project

Yobit.Net - speaks the truth, so the developers of the project say. The new company promises big and stable profitability.

Participants will forget about money problems forever. Experienced mentors will help you do it correctly and professionally.

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General information
Search for an office via the global Internet:
• Yobit.Net - an overview of the social network
• Yobit.Net - YouTube reviews
• Yobit.Net - broker
• Yobit.Net - scammers

• official website: https://www.yobit.net/ru/
• phone: missing

Description of the Yobit.Net project

The project is easy to use. The absence of problems attracts a huge number of users. A visit to the main page of the site instantly surprises with multiple information, which contains numbers and graphs.

At first glance, work for beginners will seem difficult. In reality, the situation is radically opposite. Cooperation with the Yobit.Net project brings a lot of money.

The main thing is to correctly understand the essence of the charts and make similar bets. This will help the team of the company, which is ready to provide round-the-clock technical support.

To date, the project belongs to the category of developing, promises stable profits and long-term cooperation. As it will be in reality - life will show.

Yobit.Net user reviews about the project

Technical part

Understanding the technical part without the help of technical support is problematic. From the point of view of a beginner, the project is represented by quotes and analytics, which is shocking for novice traders.

The main game starts after official registration and verification. The last point raises many questions. With minimal legal information from the office, developers require maximum information about themselves.

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Registration in the Yobit.Net project will allow you to trade in popular financial instruments and build your own business from scratch. The risks in the project are maximum. At the same time, the number of participants is growing every day.

The minimum transaction amount with a commission of 0.2% is zero. In other words, developers allow online trading from any amount. Maybe that's why the project is popular in the global financial market.

Yobit.Net user reviews about the project

The essence of Yobit.Net scam

A careful study of the information from the main page of the site and the legend from the Internet confirmed the fact of a scam. The company, founded in 2015, turned out to be a scammer. The crooks deliberately attributed the return in order to attract newcomers.

It is very problematic to turn proven traders into suckers, since they immediately recognized the obvious signs of a scam:
• the company ignores the norms and requirements of the current legislation, does not have and is not going to obtain licenses to conduct financial activities in the territory of the Russian Federation - does not promise legal protection for project users
• work in the project entails huge losses, as evidenced by numerous comments on the Internet
• the number of financial instruments is too high
• the trading platform is presented as a template that can be used as a child's game, real entry to the global financial markets is impossible
• payment of money is the main problem of the Yobit.Net project, they simply do not exist, the company accepts receipts, there is no reverse task for it
• there is no technical support on the site, phone calls to the admin end with unprofessional advice, which is perplexing

The project is not suitable for earning money and achieving financial independence. Pros recommend searching the Internet for official versions of HYIP and doing more serious work than money for free.

Yobit.Net user reviews about the project


A cheap company decided to scam Russian traders at the beginning of the game. Practice shows that the situation in the project is aggravated. The number of dissatisfied participants is growing every day.

The lack of cash withdrawals from the accounts is the main reason. It is possible that the hype will burst within a few days. The search for a company will not come to the desired result - there is no legal information.


Yobit.Net is a well thought out scam. Breeds for money suckers and pros. Most likely, the team is represented by hackers capable of playing a subtle psychological game. The pros insist to forget about the scam forever. It will lead to debts and mental problems.

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