MERCHANT is another Telegram channel that offers its subscribers free signals on the exchange, which means decent earnings. The channel itself is quite popular, and it does not ask for money for its services. And he takes his percentage for the affiliate program from the exchange itself. Plus, they promise to draw us to trade from scratch. And the main manager of the channel is a certain Andrey Kosenko. In reality, this is not a private club at all, but an ordinary scam. Andrey's main goal is to breed as many people as possible. And he doesn't care what you want to earn. It is in his interests to do everything in such a way that you instantly lose your deposit to zero.
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Channel description - MERCHANT
The admin writes on his channel that there is no freebie here and never will be. And all earnings are honest, but at the same time large. As Andrey says, it makes no difference to him whether you are an experienced trader, a professional or an amateur. After all, his task is to literally take you by the hand and bring you to an instant result. After all, the earnings of Andrei himself will depend on these things.
From the profits of all team members, Kosenko earns 5%, which means that it is in his interests that we earn as much as possible. There is a local team here from whom we must get all technical material as well as trading advice.
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All that is needed is to participate in joint auctions 2-3 times a day for half an hour, which usually take place during the day and in the evening (at 14:00 and 19:00). This channel is growing in popularity very quickly. At the moment, it has 18,000 subscribers. But recently, there were only 10,000 people. Such rapid growth is primarily due to the fact that admins simply wind up subscribers to make the channel look as solid as possible.
Contact, we can directly with Andrey himself. But we will immediately say that it is not a fact that it will be Andrey. Fraudsters can safely use a dummy character. And to conduct a conversation with us will be completely different people.
Participant feedback
Reviews about the Telegram channel are already on the network and there are quite a few of them. And a large number of positive reviews. Everything, this is due to the fact that the admin buys positive reviews and reviews. Such reviews cannot be categorically trusted. And Everything, it is written for money, but has nothing to do with reality.
Merchant is a scam
The admin himself will not steal your money directly. To scam users, a more cunning scheme is used. In fact, Andrey will trade on the Binarium exchange. And this is still that scammer. In reality, there will be no trade, from the word in general.
Binary options are huge risks. Where users basically lose their money and it’s definitely not worth considering such a method as normal earnings. You, one hundred percent, will drain all your money here. And Andrew, it's only on hand. After all, for each of your merged deposit, he will receive a percentage. Definitely not worth joining this channel. There is no real trading here. And no one is going to teach you.
The MERCHANT Telegram channel is a dangerous fraudulent resource, the purpose of which is to swindle you for decent money. Definitely not worth contacting him. There will be no income here. Binary options await you, where it is generally impossible to earn. All your deposits will be merged to zero. Try to avoid such offers and warn your loved ones.