A typical pseudo-broker Icebergcapital, reviews of the victims

A typical pseudo-broker Icebergcapital, reviews of the victims

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The trading platform called Icebergcapital, which will be discussed in this article, is a special type of fraudulent sites that try to pursue the most covert policy so as not to attract the attention of either reviewers or certain types of structures that control such projects. The company does all this, which is obvious, with intentions to attract as much attention as possible to naive and gullible customers, as well as to work out and ingratiate themselves with them one by one, and in the future to get open access to their wallet, which will allow them to financially support everything. further machinations of this project. Specifically, in this article, we will mention all the most obvious evidence of the fraudulent nature of this service, as well as why you should still avoid any format of cooperation with this platform.

Icebergcapital contacts

As expected, Icebergcapital did not provide its clients with a single full-fledged contact position that would allow them to directly contact the project representatives, since this would contribute to the further disclosure of all accomplices of this project.

Website review icebergcapital.online

The resource presented to clients is just a one-page small banner, where clients are offered to learn how to work with trading signals, as well as pass some kind of automated test in order to gain access to all the tools available for this project in the future. Of course, this site does not explain anything in detail to its users, apparently hoping that this will be quite enough for them. The mentioned provisions and similar design only once again prove that the project icebergcapital scam and a rather bright representative of those fraudulent projects that rely on the naivety of their users and do not even try to seem more professional companies.

Icebergcapital broker conditions

  • open access to an extensive list of trading assets, namely stocks, metals, currency pairs, cryptocurrencies, as well as raw materials;
  • the company offers its users daily receipt of an appropriate number of trading signals, thanks to which they will allegedly be able to significantly advance their trading achievements;
  • the presence of various graphs, as well as statistics;
  • available market analytics;
  • round-the-clock work of the support service, which allows you to efficiently and quickly receive relevant information;
  • an abundance of various payment services;
  • quite loyal level of commissions;
  • real-time quotes available;
  • availability of technical indicators;
  • fully automated operation of the trading terminal;
  • an abundance of different timeframes.

Exposure of Icebergcapital

First, pointing to the most obvious negative reputation of this project, it should be recalled that the clients who left company reviews Icebergcapital, pointed to a fairly extensive number of significant shortcomings of the site, which were directly related to their activities. For example, if you turn your attention to the service of the project, or rather, its trading terminal, which supposedly has a fairly extensive number of functions and capabilities, in fact, it is nothing more than an ordinary decorative cheap thing that does not represent anything particularly valuable and is capable of just one single function - to attract the attention of naive clients, as well as creating the effect of quality trading.

Secondly, one should not ignore the legal foundation for the functioning of this project, since it is he who determines the real level of reliability and transparency of all actions of this service. To be more specific, the Icebergcapital project does not have any mandatory document by type of license that would confirm the absence of any fraudulent signs in the project. In addition, the company did not provide its users with even banal provisions like the Client Agreement or the Refund Policy, which are not so difficult to create manually, even without special legal experience, but even this turned out to be beyond the power of the hero of today's article.

How to withdraw money from Icebergcapital

Since this company has not presented a single full-fledged instrument that proves the ability to receive the appropriate profit in the required amount, it is quite obvious that the site Icebergcapital does not withdraw money, because it is not configured to spend them.


Based on the rather obvious and revealing shortcomings of this service, which have a significant impact on the further trading activities of traders, as well as its success, including summing up all of the above and the fact that the Icebergcapital platform cooperates with a huge number of rather negative projects whose activities are already has been disclosed more than once on the be-top.org website, we recommend that you avoid possible further cooperation with this service and all its analogues by any means, since nothing profitable and positive will obviously come of this, which has already been proven more than once by the experience of ex-users of this scammer.

Possibility withdraw money with Iceberg Capital not confirmed.


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