Ksenia Invest customer reviews about the telegram channel

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Absolutely honest trading without risks, and even under the guidance of a girl? Yes, there are such unique ones who promote their channel, like Ksenia Invest.

A swindler who profits from other people's money swindled earlier under a different nickname and channel of traders. It is a pity that someone is led by various fairy tales about the first girl in the world of trading, and even believes in promises that trading is possible without risks.

Similar project names:
Telegram channel Ksenia Invest

Website address:

Telegram account @KsushaInvestment

Technical part of Ksenia Invest:

Trading requires financial analysts who understand how this or that transaction will behave in certain situations. They recommend buying and selling, it’s hard to figure it out without them, especially if you are new to the world of investments, and trading is just opening up its spaces for you.

This is how newbies make money. For example, the telegram channel Ksenia Invest has already gained more than 15 thousand subscribers.

Investment ideas, jokes and beautiful pictures are published on carnallite. This is the usual content for those who really believe that Ksenia is the first girl in trading.

Ksenia invests in investments, after which everyone who cooperates with her makes a profit. Well, Ksenia does not stand aside, she also gets something.

The channel is closed, that is, it is impossible to watch it without sending a subscription request. But he takes it right away. Why don't we believe this girl who decided to help everyone get rich?

Exposing Ksenia Invest:

Everything is simple. There cannot be a really good channel, project, broker, financial analyst who promises guarantees against risks. This is trading! There is no trading without risk. But someone simply loses sight of this and thereby lures people.

Ksenia Invest previously ran another channel called Elizaveta Trader. Due to numerous complaints, the channel was blocked. The girl did not lose heart, but created a new platform, came up with a new name for the channel and also began to breed people.

The breakdown was as follows. People subscribe to the channel. They look at investment ideas, then they begin to correspond with Ksenia, who offers them paid account maintenance, it's like a VIP service.

Further, clients do not conclude any contract with Ksenia, but simply send her money on parole. After that, a tangle of extortion begins, to which there is no end in sight.

Ksyusha does not want to immediately warn her clients that in addition to replenishing the account, they also need to pay commissions, and state duty, and tax, although if you do all this, there is a commission.

Also, Ksenia, only in the process, says that it is necessary to pay and close the cells. Clients will lose their money quickly, but they believe that they can quickly recoup their expenses.

What is really going on?

Ksenia is silent, explaining her silence with a high workload, that she is trying very hard to ensure that the cryptocurrency or currency pair brings income.

But here's the problem!

Only the deal, which was supposed to bring a good income, was closed, and the deposit was drained. But there is no confirmation that there really was any activity on the stock exchange.

And how can one believe this?

Moreover, Ksenia Invest is Elena Myagkova from Lipetsk. 32 years old, and she did business like she was a real scammer. It is amazing how she still calmly and without fear of anyone goes out into the street, given the scale of the deceived.

Feedback about the project:

Unfortunately, there are those who fell for a terrible girl, but fortunately, they did not hesitate to tell their stories. The girl worked in the manner indicated by us above.

She demanded money under various pretexts, the account was replenished, the girl grew rich, but she did not deal with any crypt or other trading tools.

There are other reviews where Xenia answered until the client made a transfer, and then simply blocked the participant without even explaining anything!


Ksenia Invest is a vile swindler, beware!

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