Get instructions on how to withdraw funds
[wpforms id="1014"]Attention! False lawyers are repeatedly bred for money according to a return scheme supposedly through a crypto wallet. Victims are promised services supposedly WITHOUT PREPAYMENT, after which they extort them to transfer bitcoins to activate their wallet, etc.
Earlier on the network, a scammer under the name Sergey Belov scammed ordinary people through the Telegram channel, and now he continues to rob the population under a new name. The channel of the scammer crypto trader also changed its name, which allowed the swindlers to reset their negative reputation a little and scam people for money with renewed vigor.
The new channel of the cynical scammer is called Knyazev Trade and, on it, the scammer skillfully cheated subscribers, so that his legend of successful work would look more convincing. The swindler talks about increasing capital, promises mountains of gold, deftly lures money out of people, and then brazenly throws.
Visitors to the Forteck website have the opportunity to place their complaint, review or review of the company through the contact form. Fill out the subject line and submit your scam request. You can attach files or screenshots if you wish.
You should not believe that through this channel it will be possible to increase the deposit, because such information has nothing to do with the truth. The rogue admin simply brazenly collects deposits, talks about mountains of gold, and then deceives ordinary people and scams them.
You should not believe the scammers from the Knyazev Trade channel and similar primitive scammers who advertise themselves on the net, because otherwise you can be left with empty pockets. Telegram is full of crooks promising mountains of gold, and you should be careful about earning money online, because it can turn out to be a blatant deception.