Clone of the Firm Eustace fake lawyers!

Clone of the Firm Eustace fake lawyers!

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Carefully! Company Clone Firm Eustace is suspected of fraud!

Fraudster lawyers are actively swindling money out of ordinary citizens, this time the Clone of Eustace Firm is engaged in the divorce of the population. Fraudsters operate on the territory of Kazan, using forged documents to divorce ordinary people.

Representatives of the sharashka office tell potential victims with a smart look that they have a close business relationship with various banks in almost all states, they can efficiently and quickly find funds in order to return them as a result to users.

Clone of the Firm Eustace fake lawyers!

Visitors to the Forteck website have the opportunity to place their complaint, review or review of the company through the contact form. Fill out the subject line and submit your scam request. You can attach files or screenshots if you wish.

Fraudsters allegedly find finances, then talk about how it is possible to return them, but in order to implement this process, you need to pay a tax or something else. Since a completely believable picture of the work is created in front of the victim, she agrees to pay and, as soon as this happens, there is not even a trace of the scammers.

Clone of the Firm Eustace fake lawyers!

Fraudsters will try in various ways to lure more payments, but when they realize that the victim is no longer ready to send finances, they will cut off contact with her completely. If you carefully check the information about the firm, you can understand that it pretends to be the best legal corporation, but this is actually far from the case, they are simply engaged in luring money.

Fraudsters hook the victims on emotions, promising them fast, effective help, and then there is a divorce with banks, transit systems, fake regulators, and so on, respectively, the Clone of the Eustace Firm and the like are exactly those from whom it is worth staying as far as possible. All scammers know how to write beautiful legends in order to successfully extort money, which is worth remembering without contacting them!

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