Edenlife: reviews about the company, terms of cooperation

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Investing is a responsible business, since it is necessary not only to think over an investment strategy, to determine a project in which it is profitable to invest, but also to choose a suitable site. Edenlife claims to be a reliable and honest participant in the financial market, which guarantees the safety of investments and stable profits. What do investors write about him in reviews, is it worth using his services? We'll take a look at the review.

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What is known about Edenlife: a reliable company or a scam?

Edenlife: reviews about the company, terms of cooperation

According to the official version, Edenlife invests in various startups and provides services in the field of business process management, strategic planning, etc. But users in the reviews write that the company has nothing to do with investment activities. To confirm or refute this, we analyze its work.

Judging by the history of requests in Yandex, Edenlife appeared on the Web in August this year.

Edenlife: reviews about the company, terms of cooperation

The Whois service shows the same picture: the domain was registered in July 2021. Obviously, we are dealing with a very young participant in the financial market.

Edenlife: reviews about the company, terms of cooperation

The company is registered in New Zealand.

Edenlife: reviews about the company, terms of cooperation

However, the industry classification indicates that it has nothing to do with investments (provides business management services not included in other categories).

Edenlife: reviews about the company, terms of cooperation

To guarantee financial security to your clients, having an official registration is not enough. To do this, the company must have a license issued by the regulator of the country in which it provides services. Judging by the reviews and the Russian-language interface, Edenlife works in Russia. Therefore, it must have a license from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. But the official register of the company was not.

Edenlife: reviews about the company, terms of cooperation

Edenlife: reviews about the company, terms of cooperation

It is impossible to contact such an office by default, since it operates illegally. And if you have any conflict situations, it will not be possible to solve these problems within the framework of the law.

Edenlife internal documents also indicate that this is a scam. For example, "kitchen" is released from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations under the contract.

Edenlife: reviews about the company, terms of cooperation

She has the right to refuse to provide services to the client by suspending or blocking access to the personal account. 

Edenlife: reviews about the company, terms of cooperation

To attract customers, scammers resort to a standard fraudulent move - the use of a referral program. The more people involved, the more earnings. But this is only in words. Judging by the reviews, users do not receive anything for this, except for promises. 

Edenlife: reviews about the company, terms of cooperation

The footer of the site features logos of popular social networks. But they are all unclickable. In the social networks themselves, we did not find Edenlife. Either the scammers are just planning to create accounts, or they introduced logos to give themselves solidity. 

Edenlife: reviews about the company, terms of cooperation

A new “kitchen” or a modified old one?

While preparing the review, we managed to find out that Edenlife is the reincarnation of the MMK Investment pyramid. 

Edenlife: reviews about the company, terms of cooperation

Now the site of the latter is blocked.

Edenlife: reviews about the company, terms of cooperation

This "kitchen", judging by the reviews, also bred investors, promising them stable earnings, timely payment of funds, but in the end they drained money and blocked accounts. Having earned a reputation as a scammer on the Web, she rebranded and now continues to deceive investors under the name Edenlife.

Edenlife: reviews about the company, terms of cooperation

Edenlife: reviews about the company, terms of cooperation

The creative director of MMK Investment was previously a certain Elena Georgadze, who now holds the position of head of Edenlife.

Edenlife: reviews about the company, terms of cooperation

Investment offers

Breeders claim that their investment packages are optimized for different needs and provide stable high profits. Clients can choose:

  • “Package 1” - from 0.5 to 1%;
  • “Package 2” - from 0.1 to 0.3%;
  • "Package 3" - the opportunity to participate in the housing program;
  • "Package 4" - autoprogram. 

Edenlife: reviews about the company, terms of cooperation

Edenlife: reviews about the company, terms of cooperation

The site has the ability to use a special calculator to pre-calculate the profit that supposedly can be obtained for a certain period. News content is also provided.

Edenlife: reviews about the company, terms of cooperation

What do customers say in reviews?

The fact that Edenlife is a financial pyramid is indicated not only by the facts that we managed to identify during the preparation of the review, but also by the reviews of deceived users. They tell how they contributed funds and were left with nothing, and urge not to get involved with this “kitchen”.

Edenlife: reviews about the company, terms of cooperation

Edenlife: reviews about the company, terms of cooperation

How does the Edenlife pyramid scheme work?

At first, scammers do everything to ensure that investors pay attention to Edenlife services. To do this, they resort to cold calls, referral programs, advertising slogans and promises. Please note that the site does not have a phone number for the office. The scammers did not specifically introduce it, so that users would leave their contacts, and the first ones could call themselves when it was convenient for them. 

Judging by the reviews, Edenlife assigns a personal manager to each client, who allegedly helps to choose the optimal investment program. The user deposits a certain amount of funds and watches how it increases. Meanwhile, representatives of the office say that it is urgent to increase the deposit, as this will make it possible to earn even more. 

Depositing money is not difficult, but with the withdrawal, things are different. As soon as the client sends a request for a transaction, the money is drained from the account, and the account is blocked immediately or after a few days.


Before us is a classic financial pyramid, which is aimed at defrauding client funds. Judging by the reviews, scammers motivate their victim to deposit a larger amount, but as soon as they realize that they “squeezed” everything out of them, they drain the money. At the same time, they claim that they are not responsible, since the funds were lost due to a force majeure situation.

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