Human Design - decoding online. Real reviews about Human Design -

Human Design - decoding online. Real reviews about Human Design -

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Human Design is a project that at first glance seems interesting, but in fact there is nothing interesting here. Moreover, it is dangerous, because in reality this platform is not engaged in “decoding human design”, but in a banal fraud.

This is precisely the deception of gullible people. Contacting such sites is strongly discouraged. The fact that Human Design is quite an original platform can be misleading, and many may think that there is nothing dangerous in it. But it's not. The essence of divorce lies in the fact that they are trying to sell us services that do not exist in reality. And you have to pay serious money for all this. So why do it if you get absolutely nothing in return? Just to feed the next scammers? Doubtful pleasure.

How to search for a project

  • Human Design Reviews
  • Deciphering human design
  • Project Human Design is a scam or not


Online decryption for gullible people

Of course, there is no site, as such. We see only a banal one-page, on which, moreover, there is copy protection. Solidly, do not say anything. That is, let's say a person comes here and wants to check some information from a site on the Internet. He will not succeed, since nothing can be copied here, he will have to rewrite manually. How many people want to bother with these?

What is Human Design from a legal point of view? And who knows, there are no documents here.

Moreover, no one can clearly explain what kind of project it is, where it came from, who created it, and so on.

Why such anonymity if you do not throw people? Or will you still? a rhetorical question.

As for the reviews, there are not many of them yet, because the project itself is young. However, there are some comments on the network. Of course, they are mostly negative. The essence of the claims is clear - the project takes money and does not give anything sensible in return. There is some other positive, but this is all outright ordering, which can be understood by the unnatural writing of such reviews.

Human Design - decoding online. Real reviews about Human Design -


The specified e-mail box will also have to be rewritten manually. Well, everything is for the people, what else can I say. In addition to it, there is also a feedback form, and this is where all the contact details predictably end. I just want to give these incomprehensible characters their money, yeah.

Review and exposure
So, Human Design - what is it? This is a project that is going to decipher human design online. What is human design?

This is something that originates from the ancient esoteric systems, all kinds of astrology, I-Ching, Kabbalah, the Chakra system and so on. In short, they hang noodles on their ears.

With the help of this decoding, we will find out our exact scheme of psychoenergetic talents and vulnerabilities. Yes, what else can be said.

Human Design is a 100% scam

Suffice it to say that there is no human design in the ancient esoteric teachings, and never has been. It was just invented by scammers, nothing more. And for this decryption, they demand very serious money from us - from 950 to 2600 rubles.

Human Design - decoding online. Real reviews about Human Design -

Do I need to pay here? Of course not. After payment, you will receive some kind of astrological forecast that you can find on the Internet yourself, and completely free of charge.

Sometimes you don't get anything - that's how "lucky" is. In any case, no one will decipher your “design”, if only because it is nonsense.

Human Design is a hoax. Another divorce of gullible people who are fond of astrology and other "sciences". Do not buy anything here, you will just lose your money.

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