CIVILIST FRAUD reviews and withdrawal of money

CIVILIST FRAUD reviews and withdrawal of money

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Really high-quality and reliable sites are extremely rare on the market, which, without deceit and any kind of fraudulent intentions, would present their users with really effective and profitable opportunities, the lack of which is confirmed by the abundance of rather negative reviews on the website. To help in the fight against such projects, legal services are created, the staff of which consists of qualified and competent lawyers, allowing users to make various kinds of returns, as well as restore justice. Naturally, it is possible that in this area there will be impudent swindlers who will try to deceive naive traders, creating the impression of reputable and high-quality law firms. Just a vivid example of this phenomenon will be the activity of a company called CIVILIST, which began its operation not so long ago, but has already managed to become, in its own words, a fairly recognizable project with an extensive client base. We strongly do not recommend trusting the word of the hero of today's article, since he did not provide any real evidence of his legality and competence, moreover, he quite clearly demonstrates a number of his obvious shortcomings, which we will discuss in this article.

Company contacts CIVILIST

  • Support contact phone number: +74964684452
  • Also on its website, this site has left a fairly standard feedback form.

Website review

The web resource of this service is a rather primitive one-page site, which is designed in an extremely banal and rather primitive style, and is also filled with provisions that are as far from the truth as possible, which are not able to fully acquaint customers with all the features of cooperation with the specified project, as well as present a number of the most important and significant aspects of the functioning of the company CIVILIST.

Terms of broker CIVILIST

  • clients will be systematically supported by experienced and qualified specialists in the economic field represented by professional lawyers;
  • a fairly extensive list of various strategies that will allow you to quickly and efficiently return funds, as well as perform other types of legal transactions;
  • the presence of a personal account in which you can track the success of maintaining a client’s case;
  • available live user feedback, through which you can learn the general principles of the functioning of this project;
  • the availability of fairly effective and fairly professional systematic advice to traders, which concerns the most important points of the chosen legal path;
  • a legal glossary is available, which will allow clients to learn a number of basic legal terms that will be useful to them in the future;
  • an affordable range of fairly safe and efficient payment services, thanks to which users can and will be able to receive their funds.

Exposure of the company CIVILIST

Firstly, the reputation of the mentioned service is quite indicative in this regard, which allows us to come to the conclusion that the CIVILIST project is a swindler and a fairly cheap scam, cooperation with which is unlikely to achieve all the goals with which customers come to the mentioned service. More specifically, by studying reviews about the company CIVILIST, you can notice quite a few rather indicative provisions that relate to absolutely poor quality and extremely inefficient user service, obviously not the most trained personnel who are not even versed in legal terminology, as well as rather cheap and absolutely ineffective legal strategies that are unlikely to be able even in theory to allow a refund.
Secondly, it should be pointed out that the presented company does not have any legal provisions and documents that would allow to fully verify the reliability, legality and, in principle, the competence of this project. Quite amusing is the fact that despite the specialization of this project, he does not even suspect that such documents as a license or de certificate are simply necessary to start the full-fledged activity of any service of this kind, which only once again demonstrates and proves the act that the company CIVILIST scammer and the most standard scam.

How to withdraw money from CIVILIST

Based on all the provisions that were mentioned earlier, as well as analyzing the rather obvious fraudulent intentions of the specified service and taking into account the experience of cooperation with its ex-users, there is no doubt that the project CIVILIST does not withdraw money filling exclusively his own pocket at every opportunity.


Analyzing all the provisions that were previously mentioned on the site, as well as pointing out the fact that the CIVILIST company cooperates with a huge number of analog scammers, we advise you to refuse any possibility of cooperation with this site and look for a more reliable and really proven option.

Possibility withdraw money with "Civilist" not confirmed.


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