VoltDealer - SCAM. Real reviews. Examination

Broker VoltDealer offers us to become professionals in trading on financial markets. The company assures us that we are in the best hands and offers simple registration and trading on a modern platform with high order processing speed. Let's see together what hands we really fall into.

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Volt Dealer. General information

Broker's main website:




Whois score:

VoltDealer reviews scam
Domain Age

Site analysis

The site of the VoltDealer company has a familiar look for readers of reviews on binarybets.ru. Standard blocks, primitive content, boring "director's finds", as well as low cost of the resource. We have already seen this dozens of times.

VoltDealer reviews scam
Site rating

The main page has the following sections:

  • menu (market reviews familiar to us, trading conditions with a calculator and other nonsense, about the company, contacts, buttons for selecting the language for displaying sections, registration / login);
  • a slider with a trade offer, which is designed to be unique, but not much different from the heroes of our previous sections;
  • Benefits;
  • Getting Started Guide;
  • once again about the benefits;
  • economic news;
  • presentation of tariff plans.

The footer publishes registration information, as well as licenses from the famous financial commissions of Belize, Cyprus and Mauritius. This information is worth checking out.

Expertise of legal information, VoltDealer licenses

In the footer of the site and in the "about the company" section, VoltDealer gives the registration address in London.

VoltDealer reviews scam

VoltDealer reviews scam

However, when checking this information in Google maps, we received only a partial match of the data.

VoltDealer reviews scam
Google Maps

The same story happened with the declared numbers of licenses of reputable regulators. All this information turned out to be lies.

VoltDealer reviews scam
VoltDealer reviews scam
VoltDealer reviews scam

Although the site has a built-in translation into Russian, which means the presence of the monitored office in the Russian market, the license of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation VoltDealer was not taken care of.

VoltDealer reviews scam
License of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

Also, the company did not bother to publish on the site even the agreements and privacy policies downloaded from competitors. Their content can be viewed when registering on the platform. If you, of course, make out the fine print, which indicates links to the section with these documents. By the way, the user agreement says that the company reserves the right to close or cancel any trading operations, and the client undertakes to provide all the necessary personal data (guess what information anonymous brokers request in the first place?). There are also a couple of interesting points that you undertake to indemnify the company for various losses, while it is not responsible for your losses.

VoltDealer reviews scam

VoltDealer reviews scam
User Agreement

And the last one is the age of the project. Although our friends acquired a “historical” domain (see the very first screenshot of the article), judging by the web archive, this name has not been used in recent years. And in 2020-2021, the address was completely closed from the robot that makes screenshots.

VoltDealer reviews scam
Web archive

It seems to us that a normal broker would hardly need to hide his site from a harmless web archive. Most likely, the monitored comrades simply do not want to show that their entire legendary history, as well as the figures in the statistics, are a fictitious lure.

VoltDealer reviews scam
VoltDealer reviews scam

Peculiarities of work of the VoltDealer company. Tools and conditions for traders

To start cooperation, you need to fill out a short registration form and get access to your personal account. After that, you need to enter information in all the missing places in the profile, go through verification and create a deposit account.

There are three tariff plans for traders to choose from, with a minimum market entry threshold of $150, an average bill of $1,000, and a maximum set of services worth $10,000.

The higher the amount of your deposit, the more you will receive.

VoltDealer reviews scam
Tariff plans

Each VoltDealer client can count on the following privileges:

  • user-friendly interface;
  • round the clock support service;
  • variety of tools and strategies;
  • reduced commissions;
  • a wide range of investment instruments;
  • official data on quotations;
  • quality assurance, "confirmed" by experience and the number of registered users;
  • analytics;
  • leverage;
  • mobile and desktop versions of the platform;
  • instant execution of orders.

Agree, a lot. But judging by what we learned by checking the licenses and registration of the company, all the information provided on the site about the benefits, successful success and high earnings is nothing more than cheese in a primitive mousetrap. This idea is supported by the next chapter.

Real customer reviews VoltDealer

We did not find any real references to the VoltDealer broker on the Internet. This once again indicates that we have before us a miserable one-day business, which, hiding behind invented license numbers, breeds naive beginners who do not know what real trading and earnings on trading are.

If you fell for VoltDealer's bait, comment your story below this article. Remember that real reviews will help other users not get into trouble, and will also bring the end of this fraudulent cell closer.

Scheme of deceiving users of VoltDealer

Like other similar organizations, the heroes of our review use a scheme that has been proven over the years. It involves the creation of a beautiful legend to lure beginners in trading and financially illiterate people seized by a thirst for profit. But as soon as you bring real money into the system, the whole beautiful picture, skillfully drawn for you by experienced scammers, will burst like a soap bubble, leaving you alone with your disappointment, and possibly debts.


The VoltDealer website contains the following signs of a scam:

  • a site of the same type, devoid of adequate content;
  • lack of registration, licenses;
  • lack of online reviews;
  • publication of false information about the time the organization was present on the market;
  • fraudulent contract.

We hope that after reading this review, you will be convinced that investing in this project is not only undesirable, but contraindicated. Take care of yourself, your time and capital. Learn to recognize scammers at a glance. Useful in life.

If you have lost money due to the actions of VoltDealer or other black brokers, and do not know what to do in this situation, leave your mail in the form at the beginning of the article. We will send you a step-by-step, illustrated plan of action to take.

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