Recently, the so-called bitcoin faucets have returned in popularity. These are simple exchanges that, for certain actions, charge cryptocurrency to users at short intervals, for example, once an hour. As soon as the required amount is collected on the balance, the client is allowed to make a withdrawal. Today, one of these projects with the interesting name Ourbitcoin came to our consideration. We will try to find out how and how much you can earn with it.
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our bitcoin. general information
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Web site overview
The Ourbitcoin website has the most primitive, template and crooked design. It consists of only one page, which is simply cut into rectangular blocks. The creators of the site stick annoying advertising banners into every convenient and not so convenient place. The evaluation of the cost of the web resource only confirmed our opinion about the very low quality of the platform. Only 11 rubles.

When analyzing the site, we found its following shortcomings:
- the creators of the project use the software to hide their personal data;
- too much traffic for such a young age;
- low ratings on various services;
- lack of optimization for search engines;
- traits of fraudulent organizations.
The information content of the web resource is simply terrible. Users are not provided with any useful information. There is no information about registration, nor about how the company earns, nor about the history of the creation of the organization, nor about any legal documents.
Legal Information Ourbitcoin
They do not provide any information about their company Ourbitcoin. But we were able to find out that the project has been running for more than 3 months. This is quite a lot when compared with dozens of other scammers, described in detail on our site
In our case, there can be no question of any legal information, for example, a license or official registration. For contact with themselves, these friends left only one email address. There is not even a classic feedback form, or at least a fake phone number.
Of the information that somehow resembles the official documentation, in the footer of the site there are terms of cooperation and a privacy policy. They are written in English. But we would strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with them at least with the help of a translator. The service rules state that all payments will be made within 1 week after the request. That is, manual payments. And this is already a bell indicating the imminent scam of the project.
The faucet admins also reserve the right to block users without warning for any reason. The reason for the ban can be both the presence of an ad blocker in the user's browser, and the bad mood of the platform owners. Registration in the service is simple, but you will be required to confirm your email. Not all boxes are suitable for this.
Features of the Ourbitcoin company. Instruments and conditions
The Ourbitcoin project positions itself as a major bitcoin faucet that offers to receive free crypto coins every 5, 15, 30 and 60 minutes. You just need to go to the site, register and periodically visit it to receive coins.
The project promises the following payments:
- 0.00112801 bitcoins every 5 minutes;
- 00228010 bitcoins every 15 minutes;
- 00528010 bitcoins every 30 minutes;
- 0.00628010 bitcoins every 60 minutes.
Also, a referral system is provided for all clients, which allows you to receive 50% from the profit of each person brought. True, how it is necessary to invite a new "labor force" is not indicated.
According to the promises of Ourbitcoin, for one action performed, the user will be able to receive 0.006 coins every hour. At the same time, according to reviews, the average remuneration is much less. So it will take a very long time to accumulate the minimum withdrawal, which is 0.0002 bitcoin.
Information about Ourbitcoin from real customers
The hero of our today's review for his not the longest life managed to light up on the Internet quite a few times. In the Russian-speaking segment, most mentions of Ourbitcoin are revealing reviews. Real reviews are rare, but very well convey the true essence of the work of the hero under review. Probably, the site presented is not widely used in our area.

We also managed to find a lot of foreign reviews and low ratings on English-language resources. This only confirms the fact of the illegal functioning of Ourbitcoin.
If you have personally experienced Ourbitcoin fraudulent manipulation, share your story in the comments at the end of the article. You will help others avoid their mistakes.
How Ourbitcoin is deceiving ordinary users
To understand the Ourbitcoin scam, you need to know how bitcoin faucets work in general. These are special platforms that pay their customers small rewards with various cryptocurrencies for performing certain actions. This can be a transition to other resources, viewing ads, solving captchas, etc.
The hero of today's our review simply asks to go to his platform and collect your reward at regular intervals. The creators of such sites make money on free traffic by displaying advertisements from customers to customers. It seems everything is transparent, what then is the deception?
For the actions performed, users receive very little money. To accumulate the minimum withdrawal amount, it takes a lot of time, which is quite enough for scammers to earn something and quickly shut down their office. Even if the client manages to accumulate the necessary funds on the account, all withdrawal requests are processed manually. That is, until some "uncle" deigns to check everything and make a transfer, no one will see the money. And there he will think that since the work has already been done, then why pay for it and will simply ignore the client or block him altogether.
The activity of Ourbitcoin raises a lot of doubts and questions. In addition, the project does not have the most rosy reputation. Even if its creators paid clients their earnings, in order to collect the minimum withdrawal amount, you need to sit on their site for at least a month and receive literally $ 10 for all the time spent.
Before us is an ordinary scam project that pays nothing. As soon as he collects a lot of negative reviews, and his traffic drops to zero, the site will collapse and open under a different name. We recommend not to waste time with the hero under review, but rather to look for really working ways to make money on the Internet.
Moreover, fresh training information is constantly laid out on our website. Here, for example, is an article where to start making money on binary options:
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