Artem Roshior - checking an investment project for a scam

Artem Roshior - checking an investment project for a scam

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Artem Roshior - a well-known trader offers profitable cooperation to beginners and professionals. Experience and knowledge will be enough to achieve financial independence, other goals without risks.

General information
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Artem Roshior - investments online
Artem Roshior - earning on cryptocurrency
Artem Roshior - reviews in the cart
Artem Roshior - scammers

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telephone: absent

Description of the project by Artem Roshior

The project works through the telegram channel. The developers did not notice anything unique and perfect. Provides standard information. The developer of the office assures the opposite.

Artem Roshior offers unique data for study, thanks to which it will not be difficult to achieve financial independence. The company's offers are provided in the form of news information and screenshots.

The developer convinces users of its uniqueness. Assures that the use of data and competent application helps to become a millionaire. The developer personally advises subscribers, talks about the risks, and warns them against them.

There is no information on the availability of documents confirming the legality of the activity. Artem Roshior offers to trust. Only if these conditions are met, further fruitful cooperation is possible.

Artem Roshior - checking an investment project for a scam

Technical part of the project Artem Roshior

After subscribing to a telegram channel, users have access to unique information. They will have access to the indices of the Moscow Exchange and other markets.

Thanks to truthful information, participants will be able to enter a deal on time, achieve their goals quickly. The project does not advertise the sources of information.

Confidentiality takes priority positions. The use of tips and recommendations is another condition for cooperation.

Tariff offers, no other specifics. Not covered by the terms of the project. The Telegram channel does not offer bonus options, does not attract to referral programs.

The essence of the work becomes available after personal consultation by the developer. Hype looks suspicious, requires additional verification for signs of a divorce.

Artem Roshior - checking an investment project for a scam

The scam has been proven!

The project visually resembles a fraudulent offer. An analysis of the hype for signs of divorce confirmed the suspicions of experts and helped to identify the following pitfalls:
an anonymous person who does not confirm his own experience and reputation with facts, tries to advise, give advice at a distance, in reality, the developer is an ordinary hacker who stole the idea from other similar projects
lack of legal protection - pay attention to the lack of specifics: Artyom's phone number and address, information is hidden deliberately, this helps to exclude contacts with law enforcement and supervisory authorities
conducting illegal activities - confirmed by the lack of financial documents, the regulator is not familiar with Artem, today it considers the project as fraudulent, it is possible that the hype will disappear from the cart along with subscribers' money next week
provides classic answers during consultations, does not have the knowledge of a financier, does not understand the essence of the project created by him
news and other information is provided with a delay in time, leads to zero deposits

The project is not the only player in this project. This is the second person. In fact, he earns on an affiliate program. Attracting additional members and redirecting them to certain exchanges makes him a millionaire. The only suckers in the hype are his subscribers.

Artem Roshior - checking an investment project for a scam

Reviews about Artem Roshior

A 100% divorce. Confirmed by personal experience. This is how former subscribers speak about Artem. The participants demand the return of money to the accounts, bringing Artem to criminal liability. Frostbitten admin, as users call him after blocking his account.


Artem Roshior is another fake offer. Created by hackers. Leads to bankruptcy and disappointment in trading. Pros recommend paying attention to worthwhile solvent HYIPs. Put a big dot on this one.

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